Thursday, June 30, 2011

I agree with Mark Halperin: Obama is a (male sexual organ)

His exasperation with the Prez was certainly palpable, and it is difficult to fault him.

Witness: Obama ‘challenged’ Republicans to get the budget done, as so stated with glee by many in the mainstream media. But, what exactly is Obama doing in his daily calendar? Golfing, fund raising, Martha’s Vineyard, and an African safari. All fine and well, but Obama has a job to do, and he is not hunkering down in the White House to get it done, as had done his predecessors. Are these the actions of someone who is serious about getting the job done?

Also, witness Obama’s hypocrisy. He criticizes corporate jets, but he personally has the most expensive one of them all: a jumbo jet liner, Boeing 757 or whatever it is, not to mention Air Force 2 and the whatever that Pelosi used to have access to. Note carefully that these are NOT Jetstreams, which is what, for the most part, most corporate jets are.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Obama to Afghanistan, Taliban, Pakistan - I surrender

I heard O’s speech today announcing the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan. Like his policy of not exactly declaring war on Libya, he did not articulate a clear cut reason for his actions. His speech seemed to be one of those cut-n-paste jobs from previous Presidents arranged to seem to say something concrete.

No, there is nothing logical or inventible or unavoidable about O’s foreign policy. It is on his shoulders to explain, and he failed.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

'Spare the Air Day' is Bullsh*t

[for those who do not live in the Golden State, a 'Spare the Air Day' is a declaration by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) that the air quality is so bad, that you are encouraged to not pollute the air to your best effort]
Today, CARB declared one of these idiotic days. You are not suppose to run your gasoline-powered lawn mower or have a BBQ. OK, CARB is being disingenous (look it up, people).
OK, let us review atmospheric chemistry (this is one of the few technical subjects that I am qualified to speak on). CARB declares these STAD based on the predicted level of ozone, an atmospheric pollutant, granted. Also, this prediction is reasonably reliable. What is the major source of ozone? Cars. Brinkmann smokers and lawn mowers do not generate ozone in significant amounts, but even ULEV cars do. It used to be that on a STAD, you could ride said buses and so forth for free. Nice, logical, and effective.
So, the best way to fight ozone is to get people out of their cars and into public transit that is running away. What did CARB do? They eliminated funding for free public transit. How stupid is that? At this point, I hope that you do not doubt the maxim that the stupidest people become gov't bureaucrats.

Friday, June 17, 2011

(psssst…fiscal stimulus does not work; Keynes was totally wrong)

Do you remember 2008? An unknown newbie promised that if we spend $767B in taxpayer money, that unemployment will not go above 8%. There were triumphant headlines proudly proclaiming: ‘we are all Keynesians now!’.


Not a nickel of yon fiscal spending made one dadgum bit of difference, despite the fact it was at least an order of magnitude bigger than anything Keynesians had imagined, even in their wildest wet dreams. Yet, you will read many seemingly-intelligent editorials proudly proclaiming that the problem is that it was not enough $$$: what we need is even more.

Double bullshit.

It is high-time that we realize that the US economy is a living, breathing, independent, and really annoying beast that has a life of its own. Mankind has little, if any, say on how said beastie behaves. Anyone who claims to know how to train yon beast is an idiot.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Pakistan: friend or foe?

I wish you to understand the following news item as diagnostic: the Pakistan gov't arrested several snitches who were implicated in the recent take-down of Osama bin Laden. They were accused of cooperating with the CIA.
C'mon: would this have happened if Pakistan were on the side of Obama/Clinton/Gates/US? This very same country signed a peace treaty with the Taliban. This country's equivalent of the CIA, the ISI, is an ally of the Taliban.
So, here is my question: which country is a greater danger to our country: Pakistan, or Iran?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Do Not Fear the Debt Ceiling

Sigh…I am getting just a wee bit tired of so-called experts say that not raising the US Federal Debt Ceiling will be disaster: we will default on Treasury paper and lose our AAA bond rating; there will be chaos and collapse of the world-wide banking system; the earth will open up and swallow the US whole into a gigantic, gaping, fiery maw.

Oh, puleez, gimme a break.

The US Federal gov’t receives bazillions of dollars each and every day, and pays out just as much every day. Uncle Sam has 2 types of payments: repayment of debt and payment on accounts payable. If the debt ceiling is not raised and we ‘run out of money’, the accounts payable will be cut back, but all people trying to redeem Treasury paper will receive 100% of their dough: there will be no default.

Permit me to illustrate. Take out $1.00 in coins and place it on the table. Take 30¢ into one pile (the house mortgage payment), and 70¢ in another (food, clothing, vacation, entertainment); no, I do not know the exact numbers: this is only an example. Now, mom walks in and says: sorry, honey, Dad’s work hours have been cut back, and next week you will have 5¢ less. OK, question: are you going to default on your debt payment and risk your house, or are going to take the nickel out of the accounts payable stack and eat cereal for dinner for a while?

So, what happens if Uncle Sam cuts back on accts payable? Those receiving agricultural subsidies, foreign subsidies, free food stamps, federal employee pension and health payments, and federal contractors will have to wait a wee while before beginning to receive regular payments again. I would be willing to bet that there will be no major consequences, besides the usual wailing and gnashing of teeth by people getting free money from Uncle Sam, until after the 2012 elections.

Barbara Lee (Calif. CD9) is a Communist

Today, said Congressman has succeeded and is celebrating his efforts to resume regular airline service to that evil, despotic, anus-of-humanity country and Communist dictator Cuba and Castro.

To whomever challenges her in the 2012 election, notate bene.

For the record: during my campaign for said Congressional district in 2010, I never once criticized my opponent or even mentioned his name. For this one instance, I make an exception. To answer your next question, no: 2012 is off of the agenda.

A brief history lesson: the congressman in question got his start as a low level staffer for Ron Dellums when he occupied CD9 a couple of decades ago, and he is an avowed Communist. You could say that the current occupant of said seat learned his lessons well, since his election victory margins are much larger than that of his mentor.

the Dept of Education has shotguns and their own paramilitary force?

Listening to Mark Levin today, and had a story that even shocked me: a citizen behind on student loan payments, had a DOE paramilitary force invade their home. Apparently, the OIG (office of inspector general) had their own police force.

OK, since when does OIG have independent enforcement authority? OIG investigates and corrects behavior of internal, gov’t employees, not against the regulated populace.

Those who have any doubt that the Prez is an arrogant tyrant, you can now rest assured.

Weiner’s wiener

Listen, and listen carefully: I could care less about the Congressman’s personal/sexual life. Such things are, correctly in my view, entirely private and irrelevant.


He deserves to lose his job because he told a lie. Nixon rightfully lost his elected office, not because of a third-rate burglary that was at best a misdemeanor, but because he told a lie. Ditto for Clinton: he should have also lost his elected office, not because his Lewinsky involvement was immoral (which it was, in my view), but because he told a lie. I apply the same standard to the elected official in question