Monday, July 29, 2013

A New Fed Chair? Uh oh...

It does seem as if this shall be Bernanke's last, and won't do another when his term expires later this year. As to who might be next, the odds-on-favorite is Janet Yellen or Larry Summers. Forgive me, neither one is the brightest bulb in the package.

Not surprising, as the current administration is not known for its intellectual horsepower. Here, being loyal and always agreeing with “BO” trumps the ability to effectively do your job. At one point, he made an off-handed remark making it clear that he wants ol' Helicopter out, and his own man in.

Expect “BO” to gleefully install his candidate, and do another one of his patented end-zone dances.
You have been warned.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Helen Thomas: journalist, trail blazer, woman, fierce anti-semite...

Oh, goody...I get to throw stones at the grave of yet another anti-semite.
OK, for most of you young 'uns, her name evokes nothing. When I was your age, the name “Helen Thomas” evoked truth and unimpeachable truth. If she said so, it was true. She was the dean of all journalists whom all tried to emulate. She was also the lead UPI reporter, the demise of both can now be pronounced once and for all.
When I was young, my nagging mom always cautioned me to not speak ill of the dead. Now that I am my own sentient being, veracity is the watchword. It gives me a tummy ache to say so, but she was also a fierce Jew-hater. In my perception of the truth, this fact casts doubt on an entire life's worth of journalism. Her perception of the world, including the Middle East, colored her, regrettably unreliable, words. An entire generation based their global perception based on what she did or did not say. Once her antisemitic views became known, her career, deservedly, went down the toilet, where her reputation lies to this day and should always remain so.
Likewise, Dan Rather's career also deservedly ended up in the circular file. So great was his hatred of Republicans, that he famously pushed out stories about President Bush (the son) alcoholism and drunk driving records, all false of course. His flat out lies cast doubt upon an entire career of journalism, as it should.
Like it says in John 8:32
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Today's Racism Test: Paula Deen or Trayvon Martin?

OK: thumbs up or thumbs down?

answer key

In order not to be a racist, you must have given both of the above the same vote. If you split your vote, you are a racist.

answer from an objective dude

I give both a big thumbs down, as both deserve to reside in the dustbin of history. God willing, let us never hear of either one ever again. To be clear, I am neither white nor black nor Peruvian nor from the Deep South.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Trayvon Martin? Purple Drank!!

Truthfully, nothing about the Zimmerman/Martin case made any sense. The media where hot 'n heavy spinning all varieties of stories out of whole cloth. Kudos to KSFO for finding the missing puzzle piece. Ah! Finally found the jigsaw puzzle piece with the tip of the sailboat and the lower left piece of the sun.

Purple Drank. Huh? I am middle-aged and on the cusp of being an old fart who lives in a middle-class area. I am as far away from pop culture as you can get. Never heard of the stuff. Seems that it is a recreational narcotic consisting of: Arizona Iced Tea Watermelon Flavor, Skittles, and Robitussin DM Cough Syrup (dextromethorphan). Guess what? The night Martin was killed, just by great coincidence, he had 2 of the 3 ingredients needed. Stuff is very popular in the Hip-Hop culture.


All across this country, schools are giving away iced tea and Skittles. Children are encouraged to wear hoodies in honor of the slain young man. I wonder if they understand that they are worshiping a drug abuser who lost his life because of it.
Also, the media and minority activists are forever showing pictures of a baby-faced kid, probably from his junior-high days. This is likely the face that Zimmerman faced that night, not this one.


Some (including “BO”) are trying to turn the Martin murder into something about race, gun control, or “stand your ground” laws.
It is a simple case of yet another young man who lost his life as a consequence of drug abuse. I suppose it would be too naïve to say that the solution is to revive Nancy Reagan's “just say no” anti-drug campaign.


Mr. Martin's friend (not clear if she was his bedmate, drugmate, or both), whom he called that night, when asked about the court verdict, gave a disturbing answer about “old school” vs. “new school”. So now, recreational narcotics and murder are OK? If true, then I suggest we turn back the clock a coupla decades: bull doze the hip-hop recording studios, take away the money and bling and fancy cars, and enforce curfew for minors 7 days a week.

I am getting just a wee bit tired of this issue. Can I go out and play, now?

Friday, July 12, 2013

Illegal Immigration...Is Already Fixed?

I fail to see the justification for current efforts in the halls of power to “solve” the immigration problem. It has already been taken care of. And, to you wiseacres, I am not referring to previous laws passed in 1986 and 2006 that are similar to current bills before the current Congress.

Right now, there are 11 million (or 20 or 30, depending on whose numbers you are looking at) illegal aliens in this country who snuck over the border. It is impractical, illogical, and down right rude to consider rounding them all up, loading 'em onto buses and planes, and shoveling all of them back into Mexico where they belong. Truth: they are here to stay, whether we like it or not.

The current, ad hoc solution here in the US is, I think a reasonable one. Mexicans sneak into our country not because they love the language or culture or history or food or literature or arts or liberty or freedom or Constitution, but for the $$$.
We already have an effective system (eVerify) to weed out illegals applying for jobs. It is widely ignored and never enforced. The current administration, for better or worse, has suppressed the enforcement of immigration laws by ICE.
On the other side of the coin, the current Congress is unlikely to grant citizenship to illegals as they have before in 1986 and 2006.

That leaves illegals in a rather curious, if tolerable, gray zone. Jobs, housing, free education for the kids, government handouts, yes. Full legal status and voting rights, no. Judging by the current situation, I believe this to be a reasonable, if flawed modus vivendi (Latin, people; Google it). I see no reason to change it: change will require much political capital (which is sorely lacking) and probably result in a situation worse than the current one.

Note to you RINOs: there is no outcry outside of network newsrooms for change. Any pol you wish to consult will tell you that support for enforcing current immigration laws is greater among legal Mexicans than natural born citizens.  

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Zimmerman Trial Is...Totally Unimportant

I find it difficult to write about Zimmerman/Martin case, because I don't think it is very important. Honestly, I could care less, and I make no apologies. I know some are desperately trying to turn this into a racially-motivated murder where justice must be done (even if Z is guilty of nothing more than self-defense). Witness:
  • the media covered it, then all the usual race-baiters (including, sadly, “BO”) jumped in saying it was a white-on-black crime because Z is prejudiced and racially profiling M. Then it turned out that Z is only half white (does it really matter about the other half? Peruvian, for those who care), is allied with the NAACP, and donated to “BO”s campaign.
  • The claim was made that M was innocently buying candy for his younger brother at a convenience store. Really? C'mon: it was raining, 10pm, and he had a package of Skittles in his pocket. Turns out that M had pot in his bloodstream and most assuredly had the munchies.
  • There is no doubt that M was beating up Z.
  • Z has been charged with Murder 2. Good luck on that one. At best, you are looking at involuntary manslaughter (like when a car accident results in a death). Do not be surprised if Z walks free, either from a hung jury or outright acquittal.
  • Z is not a cop-wannabe or a vigilante. He is an old fashion neighborhood watch, a concept that dates back to the 70's. I can tell you from personal experience that politicians hate them, because they represent a grassroots political force that they find difficult to control politically.
  • Neighborhood watch should never carry firearms or weapons other than a cell phone (in the old days, they had walkie-talkies). Their task is to be additional eyes and ears for the police. In this respect, Z certainly is culpable.
  • The court case does seem to be associated with a lot of political shenanigans: “BO” stuck his big nose in it, and therefore Z must be convicted and “justice done”, even if innocent. The court system is suppose to be one place immune from politics.

In the end, I fail to see what relevance this has beyond the Zimmerman and Martin families. I realize that there are those who have invested much emotion in this court case. There is a saying: if there are self-made purgatories, then we all have to live in them.  

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Muslim Brotherhood – Did The Fat Lady Just Sing?

  • The scene: Egypt
  • Our story so far: The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) took over same, to much jubilation
  • A bit of melodrama: a military coup d'etat, end of MB dominance
  • Next: who knows?

The dream of Muslims is a Global Caliphate, that is all countries on the earth being under Sharia Law. Egypt is the crown jewel of the Arab world. Therefore, when the MB took control of Egypt, it was the first step in a long-held Islamic dream. They consolidated power with breathtaking speed and effectiveness: packing Parliament with lackeys, rewrote the constitution, and put loyal allies in key positions of the military.

Problem: MB had zero plans for the Egyptian economy. To their minds, such considerations (not to mention democratic political institutions) were unworthy of their consideration, being remnants of Western/Christian civilization. They have no use for any of it. Being intransigent about their behavior, the IMF cut them off: the US was one of the few places still supplying $. Predictably, the economy tanked: popular unrest, demonstrations, and riots.

Not surprisingly, the army stepped in (as it has before), removed the MB president, suspended the constitution, and dissolved parliament. They installed a new President and Prime Minister, and scheduled new elections.

What will happen next? As with all politics in the Middle East, there is no way of knowing. One thing, however, is certain: whatever happens, it will do Dostoyevsky proud.

Friday, July 5, 2013

What Black People Need To Know About White People

First, a disclaimer: I am neither white nor black (can we still use that word? The sensitivity police keep changing the rules), so “ah ain't got no horse in this race”. I apologize if my observations are insulting to some, but you cannot pretend that human behavior is otherwise just because it offends your sensibilities or is convenient to do so.

This sounds like one of those social jokes: “hey, some of my best friends are _____ (insert a racial or religious group)”. I know a few blacks who are college-educated, successful, and intelligent professionals. In unguarded moments (like after a coupla beers), they will admit that they feel as if they are the targets of pervasive, rampant, daily racism. They feel as if they are being socially, personally, and professionally held back because of their skin color (let us ignore for the moment that the only person I know who owns a Tesla Roadster, not the S, is black). They see racism every moment of every day of their lives lurking around every corner and under every rock.

Well, I got news for you: the white man could care less about you, for good or evil. They are way to wrapped up in their own little worlds to give a hoot about you. True, there are some social cul-de-sacs where whites view racial prejudice as a hobby. I suggest you steer clear, particularly small towns in the Deep South.

It is a mistake to look at the white man as either the source of all difficulties in your life or as your savior. Truth: you are on your own.


OK, this is where you might be offended, so fair warning. She was an Anthropology student, and had a rather personal yet perceptive observation. During Europe's colonizing period, the English gained the reputation for being the most racially prejudice and class conscious of all colonizing powers. Yet, when it came to socializing with the natives, getting married, and starting families, the English were the first muck right in, head first. Look, there is only one way a “prejudiced” Englishman and a “native” female to have a family. Her test was this: would you be willing to have sexual intercourse with one of “those”?