Cast of Characters
Saudi Arabia/Wahhabism
Hussein/Ba'ath/Iraq (deposed)
Muslim Brotherhood/Qutbism
Haqqani Network
Free Syrian Army
Indonesia (huh?)
Case #1: Wither Shia?
The scorecard is quite lopsided. Indeed, 90% of all Muslims worldwide are Sunni. However, do not be misled by this numeric disparity. Both groups are quite dangerous and do their share of evil (from a Judeo-Christian viewpoint) in this world.Case #2: the Parking Lot
There was a historic building in Saudi Arabia associated with a family member of Mohammed, making it sacred for Shiites. Recently, it was unceremoniously razed to the ground and a parking lot built on top. Why? Because Saudi Arabia is Sunni, making the structure more useful as a parking lot.Case #3: ISIL
Having their origin in Syria, this one is now sweeping across Iraq with all manner of horrors I would rather not repeat. Yet, many Arab countries are sitting on the hands. Can you guess why? ISIL is Sunni, and Iraq is Shia. There are rumors that major Sunni powers are supporting them, among them Turkey, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia. They seem to have no qualms about Sunnis stomping on a Shia country.Case #4: Tehran vs. Riyadh
The former is the main player for Shia, the latter likewise for Sunni. Every time you hear of Muslim on Muslim violence, keep this dichotomy in mind.Case #5: Kill the Apostates
In the New Testament, there is only one unforgivable sin: apostasy. Likewise for Islam: both schools of thought view the other as apostates, which is why they direct more violence towards each other to us, who are merely unbelievers.Case #6: Not All Pashtuns are Taliban
The reason the Taliban will never really be defeated is that its genesis is in the native Pashtun population. So, all Taliban are Pashtun, but not all Pashtun are Taliban. In fact, Taliban often point their violence at other Pashtun.Case #7: Taliban & Al-Qaeda
Sloppy thinking tends to equate these 2. Not so. The former seek to overtake Pakistan and Afghanistan. The latter are funded by Tehran and seek to export their terror internationally. They have franchises in several countries.Case #8: Taliban Also Threatens Pakistan
One of the major sources of support of the Taliban are sympathetic elements in Pakistani military and intelligence agencies. Ironically, if Pakistan falls, it will be from a Taliban insurgency.Case #9: “Qu'ran”?
In fact it translates as read or recite. Muslim and Islam translate as surrender or obedience, i.e. to Allah. None of these words translates as peace, unless you mean the tranquility of simply following the will of Allah (who is not peaceful in the Western sense).Case #10: Takfiri?
It is an important concept to understand, and translates as apostate, which is different from nonbeliever. If you study it, more violence occurs Muslim against Muslim, rather than Muslim against the West. The 2 schools of Islam view each other as apostates.Case #11: Islam Will Never Conquer Christianity or Judaism
In the same way that the reverse is also true. However, Muslims, like any other religion, requires a bogeyman. Judeo-Christianity serves the purpose for Islam.Case #12: Islamic Culture is NOT Arabic Culture
Arabic culture is as old as Western culture. The recent trend of extremist terrorism (Jihad, Sharia law, suicide bombing) only dates back a century. The genesis was that of the Muslim Brotherhood in the 1920's in Egypt. There are many places where you can experience Arab hospitality dating back centuries/millenia unrelated to violent Islam.Case #13: the US Really is At Fault for the Mess in Iraq
No, I am not referring to the original decision to invade. When you topple a government, you must have a blueprint as to what will happen next: the central, ruling authority will not regenerate spontaneously. In this sense, the President was poorly served by his advisors (Rice, Cheney, Powell, Rumsfeld). This was an even greater tragedy since he trusts them. The first administrator was Garner: he seemed to understand that water, sewage, electricity, and garbage pickup come first. Conversely, there was chaos and it seemed as if no one was in charge. Next came Bremmer, and things got worse. He made 3 mistakes: disbanding the police and army, not immediately installing the opposition leaders to start picking up the pieces, and repeatedly delaying elections. I heard his justifications, but I still think he made the wrong decisions.Islamic Civil War—the Next Generation
The conflict between these two schools
of thought will continue into the future: both near and far. True
democracy simply is not in the cards for a country whose culture is
Muslim. The thought that the US, UN, NATO, or Israel can do anything
to change this is not reasonable. The internecine killings must stop.
That means a gathering of the major forces, regardless of what “the
West” thinks of them. Yes, it will result in an ugly patchwork
quilt distasteful in our eyes. Get the hospitals, electricity, sewage
systems, water supply, and agriculture working again, then we can
talk about democracy. Until the killings have stopped and peoples'
bellies are full, democracy has no chance.
By now, you should be confused with a
gigantic headache. If not, then you are not paying attention. Unless
you understand that Western and Arabic culture are different, and
that superimposing one over the other will never work, you have no
hope of understanding. On the flip side of the coin, yes: I am
speaking whereof I often do not really know. Mountains of scholarly
books have been written by authors with first hand experience. If any
of this seems interesting, I encourage you to seek them out.