Many political pundits have predicted that Obama, now chastised by the disastrous 2010 election, will do as Clinton faced with a similar situation: that is, move to the center and govern as a moderate.
Horse hockey.
Anyone who thinks this, clearly does not understand why Obama wanted to become President in the first place. Even someone as perceptive as Karl Rove has stated that this president has a tin ear, politically. This is not true: he knows exactly what he is doing.
Obama views himself as an ideological warrior. He has a European Socialist view for America, and he will do his best to install as much of his vision as he can. The political fallout from his actions are, in his view, irrelevant. Think: damn the torpedoes full speed ahead; or: I know best, just open up your mouth and take your medicine like a man.
Witness: his first press conference on the day after the election, he stated clearly and firmly that: OK, Republicans, tell me your ideas and I will listen. This makes it crystal clear that he has no intention of changing course.
Even Rush has speculated that Obama is spoiling to be a one term President. Even more horse hockey. He will do his best to get reelected, so he can have another 4 years to pass even more of his socialist dream. There is still so much to do: Cap and Trade, Amnesty, Gays in the Military, Union Card Check, and so forth.
I realize that he has compromised on taxes. However, rest assured that he is not surrendering his principles. He will use this to demagogue come 2012; he will say something on the order of ‘I had to compromise with those evil Republicans and give tax breaks to the rich so I could give unemployment $$$ to those without a job and the poor. See? You need to be grateful to me, and thank me on your hands and knees’. His curious remarks about his tax compromise and ‘hostages’ is merely the opening salvo in a continuous barrage that will take him clear to 2012.
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