Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Fed Lies - inflation is already 10% and counting

Perhaps you have heard the official Hed-Fed line that inflation is still tiny, only 2% or so.

This is a total lie.

You see, this 'official' figure does NOT include gasoline and food. Well, if you are a normal person, you have seen the price of gasoline and food go through the roof. You are currently have mucho inflation every time you fill up your gas tank or try to buy groceries.

Indeed, if we use the 'old' measure of inflation, it is actually around 10%. The 'official' figure does not include food and gasoline because, so the pointy-heads say, that these are too volatile to base monetary policy on. Well, perhaps, but it means that the measure that the Fed uses has NO relation to the actual cost of living for the average person.

Perhaps 'Helicopter Ben' can be convinced to use the realistic cost of living for a family of 4, rather than some theoretical number, for his outlook as to what the inflation rate really is.

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