Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day

Today, between frosty longnecks and undercooked cheeseburgers, take a moment to remember those Americans who gave their all protecting our country. During my campaign, the contacts from military (current and retired) made me proud to be an American.

There is an old saying: if we keep their memory, our loved ones really are not gone.

Have a happy Memorial Day.

Trump gets under Obama’s skin, the Prez is a real dweeb

OK, being a member of the SF/Bay Area Republican party, those who question O’s citizenship are, deservedly in my view, derisively called ‘birthers’. Is Mr. O a US citizen? Was he really born in Hawaii? And, more importantly, what kind of jack*ss seriously entertains this idiotic question?

Well, apparently, the Prez’ vanity knows no bounds. No serious Republican, and I count myself among the most conservative of Conservatives, pays this question any serious attention. The fact that the Prez does (and held a high profile press conference ‘revealing’ his real birth certificate, or live birth whatever), does not speak well of his self-perception, confidence, or judgment.

Are you sure that you want such a person as your President??

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Israel 1967? Mr. President, are you nuts?

Today, the President said that Israel must withdraw to the 1967 borders. Granted: the Arab-Israeli conflict has been a thorn in the side of all presidents since Eisenhower, and to this day still festers, much to the shame of all involved. Nevertheless, Obama’s opinion is the most irresponsible I have ever heard pronounced on the subject.


You young ’uns can be forgiven for not understanding what the fuss is all about. Israel was created by the UN a few years after the conclusion of WW2 in the wake of the Holocaust. In 1967, the Arab countries marshaled their military might and invaded Israel in attempt to kill every last Jew and push Israel into the sea. They lost in a shamefully impotent effort, and Israel rightfully gained land as spoils of war.

In 1973, the exact same thing happened, only this time the Muslim defeat was even more embarrassingly quick and complete. Here, they gained the Golan Heights and the West Bank of the Jordan River, important strategic defensive holdings, that the Islam countries must retake if they are ever to have a military chance of defeating Israel in a subsequent war.


Every Israeli government since I was child had proposed to give back said territory to the Muslim countries, in exchange for a statement that they recognize that Israel has a right to exist, and further that they promise to never make war against Israel ever again, e.g. trading land for peace (Sadat/Egypt took Israel up on her offer, and has enjoyed blissful peace ever since, well up to a couple of weeks ago). Every single time, the Muslims, except Egypt which may now renege, have given a firm ‘NO’ to the Jewish proposal.

See, Islam does not want their land back, they want to completely destroy Israel.


That is why Obama’s proposal for Israel to withdraw to the 1967 borders is shameful. This amounts to military surrender by Israel, and Mr. O is fully cognizant of this fact.

Point in fact, Israel has done similar things in the past: they withdrew (but still maintain sovereignty over) from the Gaza Strip and also Lebanon. Both were supposedly why Islamic countries are doing battle with the Jewish state. Yet, Muslim desire to destroy the Jewish state has remained unchanged.


What on earth is O up to? Surely he realizes that his proposal is unfair and unjust. No previous president, not even Carter, has been so blatantly partisan. Perhaps he thinks that outreach and friendship to Islam is more important than the continued existence of a sovereign Jewish country?

To answer your next pesky question, I echo Boehner: O said he is Christian, and I take him at his word.


To make such a pronouncement the day before an official visit to the White House by the Israeli Prime Minister is simply in bad taste. A rapper was shown more respect. Now we know where O’s priorities lie.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Is San Francisco anti-Semitic? No-Circ?

There is currently a proposed municipal law in San Francisco banning circumcision. That is, the surgical cutting-off of the foreskin of the penis of newborn babies.

This is clearly anti-Semitic. Circumcision is a key event in the life of a Jewish baby. Banning this act is slap in the face to Jews: it is akin to prohibiting Protestants to wear a cross around their necks, prohibiting Hindus from wearing a turban, prohibiting Muslim females from wearing a burkha, or prohibiting a Jew from wearing a yarmulke at public events (oh, wait, this is already banned in some cases).

Being a circumcised male, I sometimes wish it were not so. ALL males from my generation are ‘clippies’. Nevertheless, this is no reason to outright ban a medical procedure that is integral to a religious procedure.

If San Francisco were even a teeny bit as sensitive to Jewish sensibilities as it to, oh, say, vegans, such a law would be simply laughed out of polite society. This is way beyond simply expressing the wish that perhaps you ought not to automatically have your baby circumcised.

If this were a football game and I were an official, I would throw my yellow flag and penalize the defense 15 yards for illegal facemask grabbing, automatic first down.

Monday, May 16, 2011

CBS' Lara Logan finally speaks

Just in case you have lost track, Ms. Logan is the young, pretty, blonde, white, Christian, female, reporter who, separated from her male camera crew, was stripped naked and brutally gang raped by a large group of angry, male Muslims.

Last Sunday, the reporter detailed her skin-crawling, nauseating tale about how she was abused by Muslims. She was so brutalized, that her main concern was not being publicly naked or sexually penetrated, but having her muscles permanently destroyed.

So, here is my question: what the Hell kind of religion permits such treatment of females?

In my world, women are to be honored, cherished, loved, and, most of all, obeyed. They are the civilizing force that converts hairy, smelly, rude males into decent husbands qualified to take his place in polite society.

I have yet to hear of an apology from the Muslim world.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

a presidential limerick

there once was a Prez named Obama
who killed a dude named Osama
his vanity is plain to see
he loves misogynist and cop-killing lyrics with glee
too bad he doesn't dig Abba

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Bravery and Courage? Nope: the Prez is a Coward and a Liar

I am getting tired of Liberal media sycophants calling O’s decision to invade OBL’s luxury residence as courageous and gutsy. They could not be more wrong if they were wearing tin foil hats and Star Trek t-shirts. Permit me to correct the record.

Coward #1

By his own admission, he was presented with capture/invasion plans more than once, and said ‘NO’ each and every time, I am sure being constantly badgered by the military to give the green light. Eventually he did, but it would be interesting to find out what changed his mind: perhaps sinking poll numbers or advice from his 2012 campaign manager.

Coward #2

He will not release pictures of the dead OBL. He is afraid of a negative backlash from Muslims, including the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda. He would rather make nice with radical Islam rather than give Americans closure over 9/11. He fears even one act of terrorism or a simple Arab street protest that can be traced to something he did.

Coward #3

The entire operation, along with its success, should have been kept a secret for as long as possible. Sure, the secret would have slipped out eventually, but in the mean time the US would have a powerful strategic advantage over radical Islam. The Prez must have been afraid that this action would give the US a leg-up in the War Against Terrorism, preferring to squander this advantage in favor of proudly trumpeting the success, doing a victory lap at Ground Zero, and pumping up his poll numbers.

Liar #1

In his address on Sunday night, the Prez used an awful lot of first person pronouns. I do not recall him giving credit to Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, or waterboarding as being key pieces to the successful killing of OBL.

Liar #2

The stories from the administration as to what really happened changed by the hour. This is clear evidence that the White House is desperately attempting to give a positive political spin, rather than simply telling the whole and complete truth.

Liar #3

Even his own SecState is lying. A photo is circulating of same apparently shocked at something she is viewing. Her own explanation is something about allergies. I have hay fever, but that is not what I look like when I try to suppress a sneeze. Question: what is she, and the persons sitting next to her, covering up?

Monday, May 2, 2011

God Bless America, and God Bless the Navy Seals

Now is not the time to play politics. For the nonce, let us just bask in glory. We finally nailed that SOB. Osama is dead, long-lived Osama!

Course, this little episode brings up other rather disturbing questions:

  • Length of cooperation between Pakistani Special Forces and Al Qaeda
  • How many times before has the American president had OBL in the crosshairs, but declined to pull the trigger?
  • Why nail OBL now, and what about the back story in the White House behind the Prez’ decision to order OBL be killed