Saturday, May 7, 2011

Bravery and Courage? Nope: the Prez is a Coward and a Liar

I am getting tired of Liberal media sycophants calling O’s decision to invade OBL’s luxury residence as courageous and gutsy. They could not be more wrong if they were wearing tin foil hats and Star Trek t-shirts. Permit me to correct the record.

Coward #1

By his own admission, he was presented with capture/invasion plans more than once, and said ‘NO’ each and every time, I am sure being constantly badgered by the military to give the green light. Eventually he did, but it would be interesting to find out what changed his mind: perhaps sinking poll numbers or advice from his 2012 campaign manager.

Coward #2

He will not release pictures of the dead OBL. He is afraid of a negative backlash from Muslims, including the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda. He would rather make nice with radical Islam rather than give Americans closure over 9/11. He fears even one act of terrorism or a simple Arab street protest that can be traced to something he did.

Coward #3

The entire operation, along with its success, should have been kept a secret for as long as possible. Sure, the secret would have slipped out eventually, but in the mean time the US would have a powerful strategic advantage over radical Islam. The Prez must have been afraid that this action would give the US a leg-up in the War Against Terrorism, preferring to squander this advantage in favor of proudly trumpeting the success, doing a victory lap at Ground Zero, and pumping up his poll numbers.

Liar #1

In his address on Sunday night, the Prez used an awful lot of first person pronouns. I do not recall him giving credit to Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, or waterboarding as being key pieces to the successful killing of OBL.

Liar #2

The stories from the administration as to what really happened changed by the hour. This is clear evidence that the White House is desperately attempting to give a positive political spin, rather than simply telling the whole and complete truth.

Liar #3

Even his own SecState is lying. A photo is circulating of same apparently shocked at something she is viewing. Her own explanation is something about allergies. I have hay fever, but that is not what I look like when I try to suppress a sneeze. Question: what is she, and the persons sitting next to her, covering up?

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