OK, last time we left our hero, he promised $100 billion+ in tax cuts in exchange for passing a budget. It turns out that the $$$ cut that he agreed to was really half, and when accountants analyzed the numbers, the actual tax cuts was in the single digits.
Happy Days Are Here Again!!! Our hero is at it again, this time trying to extract yet even more concessions and spending cuts! I wish to remind you that the House Speaker, leader of the Republicans, is an old-fashioned ‘country club Republican’. By that, I mean: he is OK with the size and power of the Federal Government, its intrusion into private and public life, and most importantly with the amount of taxes. His only problem is that the Dems have the wrong philosophy; this is at polar opposite as to what the Tea Party stands for, and he could care less. It is inevitable that he will rollover like a house pet to whatever Obama puts into his bowl.
A couple of days ago, Sen. Kyle (Az) let the cat out of the bag: current negotiations do not involve tax increases, because B et al are calling it ‘revenue enhancement’ and ‘fees’, and not a word about converting Medicaid to a block grant or Medicaid into a voucher program.
Is this anyway to craft a budget? This is supposed to include: Congressional hearings, public comment, back-and-forth between Congressional Committees, lots of media coverage and somewhat inaccurate analysis, and the Senate and the White House. Currently, the negotiations are occurring in secret behind closed doors.
Is this anyway to build a budget: ‘of the people, for the people and by the people’?
This is a once in a lifetime chance to truly bring Uncle Sam’s budget under control, and to cure people of that monthly check of free $$$ at taxpayer expense. Over my lifetime, there have been many effective ways to reduce Uncle Sam’s belt notches.
Note to Obama: I will agree to as many DOD cuts as you wish, if you will agree to 50% in immediate cuts to Medicare and Medicaid.
Do we have a deal, Mr. President? Hello?
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