Monday, October 10, 2011

Advice - ignore the Wall Street occupiers

I was watching the talking-heads-shows on Sunday, and heard this advice, but I forget who said it (I wish to give credit where it is due). This person advised conservatives to not rise to the bait, and I agree.

See, these protestors are small, few, puny, unimportant, and insignificant, kinda like the WTO/IMF protestors in Seattle a few years ago. I truly hope that Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and Washingmachine-Schultz latch onto them for dear life, as they will be hitching their wagon to a stale donut. The liberal media are absolutely jubilant and are giving these folks 24 x 7 coverage on every stupid newscast. No, this is simply wishful thinking that the left has found their answer to the Tea Party on the right.

The problem is the basic message of this group: if you listen to them, the beliefs go all over the place, but the common thread is 'corporate greed'. In my book, this is code for 'I hate Capitalism, let us go with Socialism/Karl Marx/Saul Alinsky'. Hoist by your own petard? Obama is engaging in Crony Capitalism, that is awarding gov't $$$ to corporations not based on merit or efficiency, but rather based on one's political connections (Solyndra, GM/UAW) within the Presidential Administration. This displays the ugly underside of Capitalism, so if they were true to their principles, defeating Obama would be #1 on their Hit Parade.

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