Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Obama is wrong: the rich built that bridge and that road

Mr. O stated recently that rich people “didn't get there on their own”. He then intoned “Somebody invested in roads and bridges...you didn't build that, somebody else made that happen”.

Point in fact, rich people (like Romney) did build those things. True, he did not personally sit in the driver's seat of that asphalt grader or drive the cement mixer to the construction site, but he paid the taxes that paid the salaries of the bureaucrats who oversaw the project, and his taxes paid the treasurer who paid the contractors and subcontractors.

The key point here, which is often overlooked, is that O was 'off prompter' when he made that statement, and his aides spent several days backpedaling. The sentiment he expressed truly represents his deep, gut feeling: we need to rob from the rich and give to the poor (someone more clever should be able to make up a clever nickname based on Robin Hood). So, by this logic, letting unemployment simmer (and making sure that the unemployment checks never stop) but doubling or tripling the number of people getting food stamps and Medicaid is exactly the correct actions to take in order to “promote the general welfare”.

Some claim that these are O's major mistakes. On the contrary: these are consistent, and O has been quite successful.

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