Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Mixed-Gender Armed Forces Are A Mistake

By now, you have heard the nauseating stories of rape in the US armed forces: female soldiers afraid to report same because they fear retaliation, those who did report and suffered retaliation, and CO's who do not take the subject seriously. There is one obvious, foolproof solution: all military units must be segregated according to gender and never mixed. Further, female forces should never serve on the front lines.

By now, you should be pounding the table and shouting: no, no, that's wrong. How old-fashion, backward, and foolish can you get? Women can do anything a man can, maybe sometimes better. That's not fair: they will be held back, and not able to fulfill their full potential. You are punishing them because of their gender.

Well, perhaps you are correct. In that case, you have a choice: status quo, mixed gender military units, and accept that rapes will always occur no matter what you do or how many soldiers and officers you court martial; or, keep the boys and girls far, far away from each other.

See, this is not such an easy problem to solve. (Insert your smart alecky retort here).

Look, people, there are some things about human nature that you cannot change, no matter how much you wish it to be so. No amount of “sensitivity training” will prevent a male (especially a young one) from occasionally getting an erection when close to a female (especially a young one); at that point, you are counting on his chivalry, not always a good bet.  

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