The “BO” administration has oft trumpeted same as the
flowering of democracy in the Middle East.
In every country that has changed leadership, the new guys are
terrorists. Yes, the old dude was a tin-horn dictator ruling the
Islamic version of a Banana Republic. But, like medieval kings, their
influence is limited and his true power to victimize his subjects is
limited to his personal circle of advisers, which does not extend
very far. The new guys seek to fundamentally rearrange society,
reaching down into every last jock strap and pair of panties. And, oh
yes, killing every last Coptic Christian they can find.
“BO” and his flunkees came up with a true boner when dealing
with Egypt. The Muslim Brotherhood won the elections, and “BO”
heralded this as the green shoots of democracy, as the people finally
found their voice. He gave his stamp of approval. Turns out that the
new guys were even worse and more despotic than their predecessor,
Mubarak. Any self respecting person would voluntarily eat crow at
this point, but “BO” and his minions are too arrogant.
“BO” drew a “red line” in the sand, stating that Assad
must not use sarin gas in violation of international law. He used it
once. Nada. He did it again. “BO” deployed a total of 8 DDG-51s
armed with Tomahawks, threatening to take out the WMDs. International
support for such a surgical strike evaporated like dew in the morning
sun. Had he submitted it to Congress for a vote, he would have lost
by a country mile. This would have been a historic shaming of an
American president.
Not to be outdone, SecState Kerry said all Assad had to do was
give up his chemical weapons. Assad said hmm, OK. Putin heard this,
and quickly jumped on this faux pas and said “OK”. They called
Kerry's bluff. Now what?
It is quickly becoming obvious that the plan by “BO” to
cruise-missile Assad's chemical weapons store would be a historic
mistake. Not only would it not completely destroy the sarin gas
stores, it would probably be the match that ignites major wars in the
Arab world. Putin offered to be the hero by taking control of the
chemical weapons in question, offering a fig leaf to “BO”, who
has certainly committed a major error.
The issue of Syria's chemical weapons is now off the table. Yes,
many details are yet to be worked out and there are doubts and
suspicions on all sides. Still, does “BO” have the wisdom and
strategic sense to admit that he has made a big mistake, and to take
the solution being offered to him, allowing him to save face?
Intellectual horsepower is not the hallmark of the current
occupants of the West Wing, so the final decision cannot be predicted
with confidence.
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