[puke alert]
Thanks to Mark Levin, on his radio
show, for bringing this nauseating story to my attention. He
interviewed an ex-terrorist about his “discovery” of
slaughterhouses in Syria full of human bodies. The bodies were
supposedly decapitated and disemboweled, the innards consumed as a
part of a supposed religious ritual. The carcasses were supposedly
hung upside down on hooks, like an abattoir for cows or chickens.
Ummm...certainly an attention-getting
story, but he does not present independent verification for his
“story” on his website, but has only anecdote and innuendo. I
choose not to mention the name or website, as I have grave doubts as
to the veracity of same. It is possible that said respected radio
talk-show host has been buffaloed by a gentleman with a fevered mind.
“Why We Must Focus On Buddhism As A Threat To America”?
This is the most recent blog of said
person on March 21, that is today (Friday). I have been a Buddhist
for 2 decades. He sees parallels between radical Islam and Buddhism.
I think he is an idiot. If said abattoirs really did exist and he
wished to destroy these, you could not have better allies than
Buddhists. Ordinary Buddhist citizens will certainly “have your
back”. They will, literally, die to a man defending you while you
protect human life.
Well, on a personal note, he mentions
Nichiren and DT Suzuki. IMHO, both these dudes are complete idiots
(in the words of Mark, “yes, I said it”).
For those who wish to know the true heart of Buddhism and not that of pop culture, read "One Robe, One Bowl", a collection of poems by an 18th century Soto Buddhist monk who wrote under the pen-name "Ryokan".
Something Is Rotten In The State Of Denmark
[with apologies to the great Bard]. It
occurred to me that, thus far, I might not be completely neutral.
This “whistle blower” did, after all, insult my religion. Upon
reading other portions on his website, my doubts only grew stronger.
Suggest you ignore this whole story.
Recommend, instead, you pop open
another brewskie and enjoy your life.
As you were, gentlemen.