Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Why the Ferguson Riots Make Me Sad

Because a white cop shot a young black man?
Because a black man's civil rights have been violated?
Because slavery is showing itself to still be endemic to US culture?
Because whites are still suppressing blacks?
Because racism is raising its ugly head again?

A Chronology

  1. A white cop shoots a young black man to death.
  2. A community protests ensues.
  3. The protests persist for several days, attracting anarchists from out-of-town.
  4. The media covers same with wall-to-wall coverage.
  5. Racial bomb-throwers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson come to town, holding hands, singing songs, and holding candlelight vigils.
  6. The situation gets worse. Stores are looted and burned down.
  7. The TV cameras go home, and things quiet down.
  8. The damaged businesses are never rebuilt. Instead, they are bulldozed to the ground, creating empty lots whose lifespan can be measured in decades.
  9. With key services and retail businesses essential to everyday life gone, the community slowly dies.

Important Questions

I have 2:
  • How will swiping a pair of Air Jordans or taking a case of diapers restore the life of this troubled young man?
  • Do you know how many drive-by-shootings there were that same weekend? Of course you don't, cuz black-on-black violence is not deemed to be newsworthy.

Rioters—The Next Generation

I am old enough to have seen this movie many times before. This is not first time this sort of thing has happened, nor, I fear, will it be the last.

Have a nice day.  

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