Tuesday, January 13, 2015

J'accuse: Mr Obama, You Are Antisemitic

Now, look. I am Buddhist and Samurai. I respect all religious viewpoints, regardless of what I personally think of them. However, as long as you are honest about. It is not honorable to lie about it, as you have apparently stated about your antipathy about Jews.

Hatred towards Jews is a time-honored tradition, as you are no doubt aware. As proof of your antisemitism, I submit:
  1. refusal to send a representative to the march in France supporting the innocent victims
  2. supporting the Muslim Brotherhood over Al-sisi
  3. deliberately allowing Iran to gain nuclear weapons
  4. allowing CAIR free and unfettered access to the West Wing
  5. refusal to destroy ISIL (or whatever they are calling themselves these days)
  6. refusal to support the Yazidi or the Kurds
  7. giving the cold shoulder to Israel, one of our most reliable allies

In your own autobiography, you admitted that you were raised as a Muslim. Eating dog-curry is rather typical of that culture. You stated that the call to Muslim evening worship is the most beautiful sound you have ever heard. I shall grant you the dignity of your beliefs.

But please: do not lie to us about your hatred of Judaism.

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