Calling upon my political credentials
(such as they are) as a failed, ex-candidate for the US Congress, on
behalf of the current and previous Presidential administrations and
the American People, I officially apologize for the mistreatment of
your country: Taiwan.
A Bit Of History
For you young 'uns, let me tell you how
things used to be in the dark ages. In the early 70's, I had just
become a sentient being as a teenager getting ready to vote in my
first election. It was a great scandal when President Nixon and his
SecState Kissinger opened diplomatic channels to Communist (Red)
At this time, it was a ridiculous
foreign policy fiction that the the tiny island also represented
mainland China under control of the Communists, as we did not
recognize Communist control of the mainland China. Just as today, it
is equally ridiculous that US foreign policy does not recognize
Taiwan as a sovereign country.
Taiwan Deserves UN Membership
When you observe the existence of
Taiwan over the years, there is no doubt that Taiwan is a sovereign
entity. As such, there is no rationale to deny her a seat at the UN.
Viewed upon the stream of human history, we ought not to deny Taiwan
her own destiny.
I beg the powers that be: grant Taiwan
full UN membership.
Both the Peoples' Republic of China
(PRC), Communist China, and the Republic of China (ROC), Taiwan, are
deserving of our respect. They are clearly sovereign countries
controlling their individual destinies, for better or worse. Both
ought to have seats at the UN.
Why PRC Hates ROC
From the sympathetic sino viewpoint,
ROC (and Tibet ICYW) are merely errant children, sullen irredentists,
who will eventually see the light and come home again and hug their
proper masters. Here, any action that furthers this eventuality is
The Taiwan Carrier Battle Group
Living within spitting distance of a
hostile neighbor bent on hemispherical hegemony, surely ROC deserves
whatever military force they can afford: anti-ship missiles (to
counter the nascent PRC blue water navy), our best
anti-ballistic-missile system, state of the art air force (ditch
those idiotic F16; they should have the F22 or F35 or whatever our
air force is calling them, or at least the latest generation of F18
The US Navy has a plenitude of retired
assets: floating museums (Hornet), mothball fleet (Coral Sea), and
grannies (Missouri). Surely it would not be economically unreasonable
to refurbish these old gals and make them seaworthy again? OK,
granted, they are technologically a few decades obsolete, but surely,
having them is better than not having naval assets at all? Surely
more than a match for PRC's halting naval building exercises?
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