Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Getting to Know You, Getting to Like You (fiscal cliff)...

Let us review: unless both sides of the aisle in Congress can agree, federal taxes will go up and federal spending will go down starting on the first day of 2013. There is great fear that this will send the economy into a tailspin, another recession, and yet more unemployment.
Given election year posturing, it is unlikely that Congress and the Prez will agree to do anything.

Look Before You Leap

There are 2 important documents you should read before passing judgment:

Both of the above websites have links where you can download the full PDF for each proposal.

Both Are Failures

Although rather different, both tackle the same problem: cutting government spending and reducing the fiscal deficit. Both also fail to have enough detail to be of any practical value (y'know: the devil is in the details). Both also have a zero chance. The former has been demonized by Ryan's own party, and the latter, although commissioned by the Prez himself, was immediately tossed into the circular file.

The 'Fiscal Cliff' Actually Works

Both sides agreed to dance with the Devil: if they cannot come to agreement, the fiscal cliff automatically kicks in. Since gridlock is the watchword these days, that outcome is not entirely out of the question (yes, I know that if the R's sweep both Houses and the White House, the calculus changes). This is already law. Even better: our deficit will actually be reduced (hallelujah).

Nasty Medicine

As it has in Greece, our economy will suffer. However, if we can tolerate the pain for a couple of years, our fiscal house will magically be in order. Jobs and the economy will begin to grow and thrive as in yesteryear. Sadly, it is more likely that the actors will come up with more wanky, kick-the-can-down-the-road meadow-muffins.

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