Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Obama IRS scandal – reading between the lines

Perhaps you will agree by now that “BO” does not reveal the truth, he dissembles (look it up, people). More generally, his administration's autocratic behavior is not that unexpected: he is merely the latest in a long line of Presidents advancing the cause of the Imperial Presidency (if you have not already done so, now would be a good time to read this classic polemic).

Perhaps you have noticed that “BO”s modus operandi is becoming familiar:
  1. autocratic Presidential behavior
  2. keep a lid on it for as long as possible
  3. when the media pressure becomes irresistible, send out a flunkee who knows absolutely nothing about the matter to talk to the media and answer all of the questions
  4. try to hide the key operative(s) and keep them quiet
  5. protect and, if possible, promote same
This pattern applies to Solyndra, Fast 'N Furious, Benghazi, secretly spying on AP and Fox News, and now the IRS' targeting of the TEA Party.

Having been there, I can assure you that this type of bureaucratic offensive does not generate spontaneously out of thin air above the desk of a GS employee (even a “rogue” one). Someone in the chain of command must have given the order. The as yet unanswered question is: how far up the food chain does the command originate? Based on “BO”s actions in regard to #4 and #5 above, my money is on Lois Lerner: she headed the the EO Unit (which is the command staff under which the Determinations Unit and Technical Units, the GRUNTS who executed the orders, operate) during the scandalous actions, and has been promoted to head the IRS command staff that is in charge of implementing Obamacare.

One point: the IRS is not an independent agency. It is an organic part of the Treasury Dept. It is not logical that such shenanigans occurred in the IRS, and that no one in Treasury knew about it. For this to be true, someone from the West Wing would had to have gone completely around Treasury. Nota bene: Treasury/ IRS is under the absolute control of the Executive Branch. 

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