Tuesday, May 14, 2013

What's wrong with Obama? A Scandal Roundup

No, I am not being sarcastic.
A great president once warned us to be ever vigilant, as tyranny was always just one step away. I am sure that “BO” is exactly the sort of person The Gipper was referring to. Nevertheless, it is never a good thing for the President to be helplessly buried under scandal.
I call your attention to the Nixon Administration. He was hopelessly mired in scandal and controversy, and his Presidency eventually imploded and he had to resign in disgrace. Regardless of what you think about old Milhouse, our country suffered for several years thereafter because of him. To quote a brilliant philosopher: it's deja vu all over again.
OK, so let us review what we have so far.

The bungled response to the attack on the Libyan Embassy resulted in the death of 4 people, including the Ambassador himself. There was a curious lack of activity while the attack was underway, as such an event would normally initiate a beehive of activity by the Cabinet, Intel resources, and DoD assets. It is clear that there was a coverup to hide these facts. Why did everyone stand down that night, and who executed the coverup?
Next Shoe to Drop: a State Dept employee will state that personally Clinton directed the coverup.

For more than a year, the IRS targeted non-profits who might be associated with Tea Party or Patriots or 9/12 with special harassment. This we know, because parts of the report by the IRS OIG were previously leaked. The Technical Unit and the Determinations Unit carried out this harassment for more than year, both of whom report directly to the Rulings and Agreements Director. So, this was not just one or two politically motivated employees with an ax to grind: entire departments were involved. Thanks to radio talk show host Mark Levin, whose tiny law firm started the ball rolling more than a year ago: you can now get the entire OIG report here. Question: who instructed the IRS to do this (the report does not say)? These sorts of things do not magically appear spontaneously. After all, it has been done before (specifically Nixon and Clinton). Remember that the IRS answers to the Treasury Dept, and Treasury is under the direct control of the White House.
Next Shoe to Drop: during a lawsuit, someone will finger an employee at Treasury as ordering the harassment.

For a period of 2 months, DoJ secretly spied on 20 AP reporters and employees. They were trying to find out who was leaking information about an IED event. In the old days, we called it “wiretapping”, because to spy on someone, you would literally tap the target's phone wire with an alligator clip. These days, of course, there are also cell phones, text messages, and tweets to include. You young 'uns who are not familiar with Watergate should learn about it. There, you will learn all about wiretaps.
Next Shoe to Drop: Eric Holder did it. Such a thing cannot happen without the knowledge of and approval by the Attorney General.

Some of you might be surprised or confused by all this scandal. I am not. You see, “BO” comes from a philosophical school of thought that the ends justify the means. Their cause is so righteous and holy that ordinary rules and folkways and etiquette do not apply to them. Think about the stories of Robin Hood: rob from the rich, then give to the poor. It has a certain logic: the rich won't miss a few gold coins, and it only takes one to feed many families and keep several children from starving. Nevertheless, it is still criminal and ethically wrong.

To end on a disappointing note, I will not be surprised if there are more scandals lurking in the shadows.

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