on 9/11/12, the American Embassy in Benghazi was attacked by rebels linked to Al Qaeda. Three died that night, including Ambassador Stevens. In the immediate aftermath, there were several odd occurrences that smelled of cover-up:
- Administration spokesman Susan Rice, appearing on all 5
Sunday TV talk shows, claimed that the attack was instigated by an
obscure YouTube video that no one saw. Turns out that the State
Department knew it was AQ weeks before it happened.
- The SOP military rescue mission was deliberately suppressed,
and an explanation was never forthcoming (in fact, we still do not
know why)
- in response to Congressional inquiries, the Administration
simply clammed up.
- It eventually released 100 pages of emails that, as far as I
can tell, had nothing to do with the attack that night
In the immediate aftermath of the attack, the usual assortment of discountable rumors swirled about. The most outlandish of which was that the CIA was using the Embassy to transship arms and trained troops to Syria via Turkey to hide their CIA pedigree. Well, this story has resurfaced, only this time it is surface-to-air missiles rather than small arms. I found an old story about "SA7 man-portable, shoulder-fired, low-altitude surface-to-air missile systems" being found in Benghazi back in 2011.
The CNN story has all sorts of unbelievable elements. People are being given new names and new identities and new lives? CIA employees are being polygraphed monthly and threatened with dismissal (plus threatening their families) if they talk? There were 3 dozen people on the ground that night, many CIA? What on earth did they do, just skedaddle when the bullets started flying? Where happened to them? Where are they now?
(reference to a scandal that popped up when she was FLOTUS; you young 'uns, Google it). When quizzed about this before a Congressional committee, she famously flailed her arms about and, exasperated, said “what difference does it make?” Well, SecState Apiarist (another fib she told while FLOTUS that she was named after the famous mountaineer Sir Edmund Hillary: not possible, as he was still an obscure beekeeper when she was born), it clearly demonstrates that your soul is lacking. You see, your boss (& Valerie Jarrett) has done something very, very bad, and you just went along with it. The claim "I was only following orders" has been used to justify too many tragedies in our history (OK, I borrowed this sentence from the Star Trek TV series that has Patrick Stewart in it; it is also known as the “Nuremberg Defense”). The ethical thing to have done would be to resign in anger and disgust, as in: how dare you get me involved such immoral activities, POTUS?
My theories are usually more disposable than the rumors they are based on, but here goes. During his presidency, Reagan illegally supported the Contras in El Salvador (the name “Ollie North” should ring a bell; again, you young 'uns Google it). I believe that POTUS has done the same thing in Syria. In both cases, the actions are illegal, unconstitutional, and therefore a theoretically impeachable offense. However, the former was not impeached for it, and neither should the latter. That is why “BO” is conducting a Watergate-style cover-up that in and of itself threatens his presidency, because he is paranoid and eerily resembles Nixon in this regard.
There are many to choose from, but “presidential timber” would not be one of them (OK, two words).
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