Friday, January 31, 2014

Oxfam (and Europe) is anti-Semitic as ever

I was listening to Malcolm Hoenlein on the John Batchelor's radio show the other day, and my heart sank about 10 feet. Fierce antisemitism is alive and well.

Oxfam Is Officially Anti-Semitic

I can forgive you for thinking that this NGO is akin to Doctors Without Borders or the Bill Gates Foundation: simply trying to feed and help the global poor. You would be wrong. “Economic Justice” is an official principle. The genesis of the current dust-up is that a famous American actress, a celebrity ambassador for Oxfam, signed an endorsement deal with Sodastream. Oxfam viewed this as unacceptable behavior and, for the second time, forced such a person to resign the post because they signed a commercial deal with a Jewish company.
You see, said company is owned by Jews in Israel (let us ignore for the moment the fact that they employ 500 Palestinians, and the source of the best paying jobs anywhere in areas controlled by the PLA). Oxfam's official legal position is that they are pro-Palestinian, pro-2-state-solution, pro-right-of-return, making them as anti-semitic as, say, Iran.

Europe Still Hates Jews

Quiz: how many of you know that present day Great Britain hates Jews even more than Germany? Hmmm?
No one? Not a single one of you? (sigh...)
You see, the “ox” in Oxfam comes from its founding in Britain, that is Oxford. Fierce antisemitism was an integral part of Oxfam from the very start, and this continues to the present day. Sadly, this British hatred of Jews is common throughout Europe. It is illegal to give the Nazi salute in Europe. Funny: this is legal in the USA, one of the few unabashedly pro-Israel countries in the world. Mr. H says that there is a new version of the Nazi salute that is au courant in Europe. Apparently, European disdain for Jews is as strong as it was in the 1930's, which gave rise to Nazi Germany. Sadly, I do not think that a modern day Kristallnacht is as unthinkable as you might expect.
I do not, as the old saying goes, have a horse in this race (I am neither Jewish nor Christian nor Muslim), but may God have mercy upon our souls.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Lone Survivor—you gotta see this movie

I do not write movie reviews, because, frankly, most movies in recent years are trash and a waste of my time and money. I would rather spend the time reading Tocqueville. This one, however, is a happy exception. It is the best action/adventure movie I have seen in several years. Why? Because it is based on a real story. Like the old saying, fiction is but a pale imitation of real life, and this movie is verification of same.
I will not recount the plot (you can read the book and/or see the movie for yourself), but it is a Special Ops assignment that went terribly wrong. This historical recreation is quite realistic, sometimes stomach-churningly so.


The most amazing part of this story is towards the end. A Pashtun village protects the injured, surviving American soldier, and has to fend off a major Al Qaeda military assault as a result. Yes, the movie ends with real photos and videos of the American soldiers who died in this military disaster. I heard an account that the woman in the wedding video broke down in tears when she saw the video of her wedding at a screening: she had no idea that it was included in the movie. The best one was a still photo from 2010 showing the surviving soldier, who wrote the book, happily hugging the Afghani who saved his life. And, yes, the Pashtun fight against the Shiite Al Qaeda continues to this very day. 


Politically Liberal Hollywood expected this movie to only gross $17 million in the end. Right now, it is on track to gross $100 million and counting. If I have not yet convinced you to see this movie, if you have not already, then at the very least give this movie your money to really crank up this number and make this movie a fabulous, surprising financial success for patriotism, a paean to honor, duty, and loyalty, even unto death.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Please Stop Killing Our Babies

Mark Levin made an important point about humanity, and it bears repetition.

55 Million Americans Have Lost Their Lives

Cancer? Car accidents? AIDS? Gun shootings?
Nope, nope, nope, and nope.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am about to firmly implant my foot into the cowpie of politics. As a Buddhist, I can do no less.

What The Constitution Really Says

Amendment V

No person shall be...deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law...

Amendment XIV

Section 1.
...nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law...

Weasel Words

Those who believe that abortion is an acceptable, humanitarian practice are fire-bombing the English-American language. They will use the word “fetus”, and say that until said object emerges from the human vagina, it is not a “person”. Perhaps a blob of protoplasm, akin to a pimple or appendix. Removing said item presents no more moral dilemma than, say, clipping one's fingernails. I beg to differ.

Freedom of Choice

Advocates of abortion will say that a female should have moral choice over her own body, and do as she pleases. They will invoke words such as freedom, choice, and liberty.
There are some such that humans should have no control. A pregnant woman should have the same “choice” to an abortion as I should have to behead a politician whom I disagree with using a samurai sword.


When I was a youngster, an uncle gave me a wise bit of advice: never ask “why”. As in: why on earth would a pregnant female, who respects life and thinks that it is valuable and worthy of respect, want to terminate same that is gestating in her body? Why does she not understand that she is now 2 lives, and is now living for two?

Pissing Into the Ocean

Yes, I know: my words will change the belief of no one. Nevertheless, these words need to be spoken. I can do no less.

Final Word

The life you are carrying in your womb is not your baby. It is our baby. 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Yahoo! Impeach Gov Chris Christie!

News reports say that if the Guv has a direct link to the GW disaster, he shall be impeached by the state legislature.

I pray to the Great God JuJu that this shall come to pass.

You see, CC has been touted by the Bushies and the Mass Media as the perfect Republican, that is in the venerable tradition of Rockefeller Republicans. He is not conservative, but rather establishment bureaucratic. He represents everything that is wrong with the Republican Party.

I am glad to see his political prospects crash and burn such spectacular fashion.  

Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Republican Party Yakuza

I suppose I could have referenced the Mafia, Mafioso, Blood 'n Crips, Medellin Cartel, Skinheads, Sinaloa Cartel, Bratva, whatever. However, I am Samurai and therefore choose the Yakuza.

I call your attention to two points of datum:
  • staffers of NJ Gov. Chris Christie, potential presidential candidate, unnecessarily closed the GW Bridge for several days to punish the mayor of Fort Lee for his failure to support Christie's bid for governor
  • staffers of Senate Minority Leader McConnell pressured a local radio affiliate to drop Mark Levin's radio talk show, because he dares to criticize same
Whether or not the leaders in question directly ordered these acts of vengeance is beside the point. The fact is that said politicians fostered an environment where, at the very least, such actions are thought of as conscionable political activities.

Question: is this the type of Republican party that you can support? I ran for the House in 2010, and I am having second thoughts.
The power of ideas is no longer respected, but rather the exercise of raw political power.
Antics like these are why the Republican Party is not in the ascendancy, and will not be so on the visible horizon.