Sunday, January 26, 2014

Lone Survivor—you gotta see this movie

I do not write movie reviews, because, frankly, most movies in recent years are trash and a waste of my time and money. I would rather spend the time reading Tocqueville. This one, however, is a happy exception. It is the best action/adventure movie I have seen in several years. Why? Because it is based on a real story. Like the old saying, fiction is but a pale imitation of real life, and this movie is verification of same.
I will not recount the plot (you can read the book and/or see the movie for yourself), but it is a Special Ops assignment that went terribly wrong. This historical recreation is quite realistic, sometimes stomach-churningly so.


The most amazing part of this story is towards the end. A Pashtun village protects the injured, surviving American soldier, and has to fend off a major Al Qaeda military assault as a result. Yes, the movie ends with real photos and videos of the American soldiers who died in this military disaster. I heard an account that the woman in the wedding video broke down in tears when she saw the video of her wedding at a screening: she had no idea that it was included in the movie. The best one was a still photo from 2010 showing the surviving soldier, who wrote the book, happily hugging the Afghani who saved his life. And, yes, the Pashtun fight against the Shiite Al Qaeda continues to this very day. 


Politically Liberal Hollywood expected this movie to only gross $17 million in the end. Right now, it is on track to gross $100 million and counting. If I have not yet convinced you to see this movie, if you have not already, then at the very least give this movie your money to really crank up this number and make this movie a fabulous, surprising financial success for patriotism, a paean to honor, duty, and loyalty, even unto death.

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