Friday, January 24, 2014

Please Stop Killing Our Babies

Mark Levin made an important point about humanity, and it bears repetition.

55 Million Americans Have Lost Their Lives

Cancer? Car accidents? AIDS? Gun shootings?
Nope, nope, nope, and nope.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am about to firmly implant my foot into the cowpie of politics. As a Buddhist, I can do no less.

What The Constitution Really Says

Amendment V

No person shall be...deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law...

Amendment XIV

Section 1.
...nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law...

Weasel Words

Those who believe that abortion is an acceptable, humanitarian practice are fire-bombing the English-American language. They will use the word “fetus”, and say that until said object emerges from the human vagina, it is not a “person”. Perhaps a blob of protoplasm, akin to a pimple or appendix. Removing said item presents no more moral dilemma than, say, clipping one's fingernails. I beg to differ.

Freedom of Choice

Advocates of abortion will say that a female should have moral choice over her own body, and do as she pleases. They will invoke words such as freedom, choice, and liberty.
There are some such that humans should have no control. A pregnant woman should have the same “choice” to an abortion as I should have to behead a politician whom I disagree with using a samurai sword.


When I was a youngster, an uncle gave me a wise bit of advice: never ask “why”. As in: why on earth would a pregnant female, who respects life and thinks that it is valuable and worthy of respect, want to terminate same that is gestating in her body? Why does she not understand that she is now 2 lives, and is now living for two?

Pissing Into the Ocean

Yes, I know: my words will change the belief of no one. Nevertheless, these words need to be spoken. I can do no less.

Final Word

The life you are carrying in your womb is not your baby. It is our baby. 

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