Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tea Party and OWS = yin and yang

  • It takes 2 to tango.

  • The flip side of the coin.

  • Laurel to Hardy, Gracey and Allen.

  • And any other cliche you can think of.

Yin = Tea Party
people who are tired of paying other peoples' bills.

Yang = OWS
people who are mad because they are not getting their fair share of the loot.

Surrender, Mitt

Surely, Governor, by now you have figured out that some of us Republicans hate your guts. Any number of Presidential candidates have gained currency not because they are constructed of Presidential timber, but because he/she is not you.

You do understand, don't you, that your continued Presidential campaign threatens the very existence of the Republican party? How does that go now, Mr Romney? Discretion is the better part of valor?

Surely you are aware that many would rather vote for a plate of Brussel Sprouts? If you do not understand these feelings, then you surely are not qualified to be President of the United States of America.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Oakland Mayor - case study of a failure of leadership

Watching Oakland's Mayor (he/she will probably want me to mention the name) impotently flailing around dealing with the 'Occupy' whatever is a pitiful spectacle. This is a good object lesson that being the chief executive of a political entity, where it be a nation, state, or just a city, is not an easy task.

There are many moving parts that you must take into account simulateously:
**the health and well being of the citizens in general
**the normal functioning of local businesses who pay the municipal taxes that fund the paychecks of police and others
**the effective functioning of gov't employees, including security and law enforcement
**keeping peace and order and life as usual
**the right of political protests of various groups
**the political opinion of those who voted for you
**the political opinion of everyone in your pervue, including those who did not vote for you

In order to be a successful leader, you must coordinate all of these factors and more. It is not easy. Said mayor, thus far, has failed in this task rather spectacularly, and should function as a case study of what not to do if you ever become the chief executive of a political entity.

Keep in mind that said mayor had mucho experience as a long standing member of the local city council. This experience clearly was of no help in preparing this person in becoming the chief executive. Let this be an object lesson in the upcoming Presidential elections.

Herman Cain is innocent - a personal anecdote

The lawyer who leaked info about Mr Cain's sexual harrasment accusation was very clever. He/she surely knew that someone who is innocent of such charges, when exposed in the press, will apparently act as if the accused is totally guilty. My kudos to the lawyer in question, who executed a rather effective case of character assassination.

Permit me to elucidate a personal experience about a workplace accusation of sexual harrassment. No, not me, but a close personal friend and co-worker.

**step 1 - a fellow employee acccuses you of sexual harrassment on the job.
**step 2 - the competing set of lawyers interact
**step 3- up to now, you are totally clueless, and you are unaware of anything going on
**step 4 - your boss calls you into his/her office, there are several dudes/gals in business dress, and you asked several specific questions about what you did or said on specific dates. You answer to the best of you ability.
**step 5 - your boss thanks you for your cooperation, and you are excused
**step 6 - you never hear anything about this ever again. You never know who or what you were accused of. Well, you might have some suspicions based on what you are asked.
**step 7 - you might or might not be asked to sign a secrecy agreement about the whole affair.
**step 8 - you continue to work in your job for several more years, no problem.

The next step, as you may have guessed, you are a candidate for political office and are confronted by a reporter and camera crew, asking you about the charges and what about it and the settlement $$ and so forth. You have no clue, and appear like the proverbial 'dear in the headlights' thing.

The reaction of Mr. Cain, based on my personal experience, is clearly the reaction of someone who is totally innocent. So there. Can we move on to tax questions now?

Joe Paterno (JP): a football legend goes terribly wrong

To catch up those who are not collegiate football fans: the Penn State football program, for several decades, has been regarded as the ur-type of collegiate sports. Everything that is good is encompassed therein, and many colleges and universities across the nation have patterned themselves after Penn State. This remarkable legend is due solely to their football coach: JP.

Scandal: one of JP's direct reports (defensive coordinator) was caught in the act of doing unspeakable things to a 10 year old boy in the shower. Said person, and the fact he was a pedophile and sexual predator, was well know to JP and the entire command staff up and down the Penn State athletic department. Rather than act immediately to neutralize this demon, they protected him, and this effort continued for years.

Ya know, in my book, if you are aware of a crime and do nothing to bring the evil doer to justice, then you are just as culpable as the perpetrator himself. So, yes, I am suggesting that JP himself might just as well have violated that young, innocent boy himself. His crime would be no greater.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Understanding the Middle East Mess

Winds of great change are blowing in the world: the future of global politics for the next century will be determined by what we do in reaction to current events. I am referring to the goings-on in the Arab world on the other side of the globe.

Problem: few seem to really understand what is going on. This criticism applies to the Punditocracy, members of the Senate and Congress, not to mention Mr. O's Dept of State. Permit me an attempt to illuminate.

This flavor or Islam says that upon the death of Mohammed, he left behind a council of elders, sort of the like the disciples in the New Testament, who had the authority to carry on the Muslim religion.

This version of Islam says that only direct the direct descendents of Mohammed have the right to speak henceforth for the prophet, sort of like Jesus' brothers authority in the church upon his death.

Right now, there are many moving parts in the Arab world. Unless you understand the conflict between Sunni and Shia, you will never understand the shooting match. The players are Saudi Arabia (Sunni) and Iran (Shia). Everyone else is simply a pawn of one of these. In the Sunni corner, count Egypt, Turkey, Libya, Hezbollah. In the Shia corner count Hamas, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iraq (disclaimer, I may have gotten some of these wrong, but you get the gist, yes?).

Saudi Arabia, over the past few years, have become alarmed over the formation of the so-called 'Shia Crescent' along the Arabian Sea. Thanks to that doofus Jimmy Carter, the Shah of Iran (a more or less harmless despot) was deposed and a Shia theocracy took his place. Pakistan is Shia. The United States overturned the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, and the native Pashtun now rule; problem: they have always been strong Shia allies. Iraq was a majority Shia country being suppressed by a Sunni minority (Saddam Hussein and friends). The US stepped in, the majority Shia now rule, and Iraq was changed from the Saudi side to Iran's.

I have heard much nonsense about the revolutions happening as we speak in the Middle East. It has been likened to the Prague Spring or Attenborough's Cry Freedom. What nonsense. These cultures have no history or cultural thinking that supports freedom and liberty. A more apropos simile would be the French Revolution, where one form of tyranny was replaced by a much more repressive one.

It is critical for you Judeo-Christians to understand this. Your Western tradition has granted freedom of worship: you can kneel at the temple of any religion you wish, as long as you do not violate civic law. Sharia is the exact opposite; think the Church of England of a few centuries ago: attendance on Sunday at a C of E service was required, along with a compulsory 10% tithe, regardless of what your religion is. Under Sharia law, you may not even possess a Christian Cross or a Bible; you may not celebrate Valentine's Day or Thanksgiving, or Christmas, even in private; if you are convicted of theft, your hand will be cut off. These laws apply to 100% of all people, 100% of the time, no exceptions. These are exactly conditions today in Saudi Arabia.

Unless you are Muslim, you cannot even enter the city of Mecca (which is controlled by Saudi Arabia, Sharia), much less approach the Grand Mosque. Contrast this with St. Peter's for Catholics or the Wailing Wall for Jews. Just to show you the enmity between the 2 flavors of Islam: up until recent times, there were many historic buildings (related to the family of Mohammed) in Mecca that dated to the times of Mohammed; most of these have been bulldozed by Saudi Arabia. Why? Remember: they are Sunni, and they believe that the family of the Prophet have no authority over Islam, so destroying these historic structures is akin to taking out the trash.

When you do, you will see that there are 2 levels of enemies to Mohammed. First, are the infidels, that is, you and me. We have not heard his word and are therefore the uninformed, unwashed masses. Second, there are apostates. These have heard the Prophet's words, but have either turned their backs on it or distorted them. In Islam, the latter are much bigger sinners than the former. This is important to know when you see the actions of various Islamic forces: for the Sunni and Shia, they regard each other as the latter.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

We Are Robbing Our Grandchildren

This year, Uncle Sam is spending $1 trillion more than he has. If you have children or grandchildren (or plan to have such), this fact should scare you to death. Right now, we are mortgaging our childrens' future, so that old people can get free medical care and free retirement income (no, the Supreme Court has ruled that Social Security is not a contract, but just another welfare program like foodstamps).

Do you care about the future of your children and grandchildren? Do you wish them to have a bright, prosperous future? Do you wish to saddle them with heavy debts that will make them poor when they are forced to finally settle the bills that paid for your benefits?

Surely, those who are receiving or soon to receive Medicare and SSI are willing to accept reductions in their current benefits, so that their descendants will not be impoverished?

Obama's Watergate

Haldeman, Ehrlichman, Dean, Mitchell, Kleindienst. These names probably mean nothing to you young 'uns, but they should. They were the heart and soul of a terrible tragedy that caused the President to resign in disgrace. The current occupant of the White House appears to be headed down the same path.

The so-called 'Watergate Scandal' got its name from a hotel where the burglarly took place. The Democratic party had an office in said hotel, and some low level campaign workers from Nixon's reelection busted into the office and swiped materials and info. So far, no big deal: such things happen, even in the 2010 election. Problem: when news of this began to leak out, Nixon et al tried to cover it up. Well, in true tradition of the best laid plans of mice and men, the effort failed, and it magnified the importance of an unimportant political burglary. It was because of Nixon's attempted coverup that he was almost impeached and therefore forced to resign. He and his White House staff told many lies. That was the true tragedy: an unwillingness of the Chief Executive to simply tell the truth.

This was an initiative within the Obama administration. This allowed firearms, whose sale would otherwise be illegal, to flow into Mexico, the idea being that the drug cartels would be the recipients of said guns, and to trace their flow and therefore gain intel. So far, so good. Problem: they lost track of the firearms; worse, a border agent and a BATF agent were killed, and the deaths were traced to weapons from Operation F&F. Both the SecJustice and the Prez denied knowledge of this disaster, claiming that the first time they heard of it was from the news reports. Bullshit. Something this doofy does not occur without explicit White House approval. Question, Mr. President: what did you know, and when did you know it?

Do You Want a Job or Do You Want to Work?

I was reading some articles about the high level of unemployment, when it occurred to me that many, including young folks new to the job market and even old timers, all have a distorted vision of what a job is, and why an employer will pay you for your time, effort, and skills. Look: you are paid based on how much economic value you give to your employer; the more valuable your contribution, the higher your wage.

Many think that the whole purpose of getting a job is free medical insurance, a comfy retirement, and enough $$$ for a good standard of living, generous vacations, a mortgage, an iPhone, and a way cool car to own and drive. This is simply not the case.

What if you, being unemployed, were offered a job, no skills needed, just a pair of hands and a strong back? What if I also said that you will not get retirement credits, vacations, disability coverage, health insurance, sick leave, holidays, annual bonus, or even a christmas party. Would you take it? Oh, and by the way, you will be paid less than minimum wage. Just an honest day's wage for an honest day's work.

Well, these things exist, and they are called 'journalistas', and are also illegal. These are the random crowds of illegal aliens you see hanging around the front of large hardware stores in the early morning hours on weekdays.

Let us create a new category of jobs: 'journalista'. Make it totally legal. Unemployment would instantly disappear. Even unskilled minority teens will be able to get a job. Isn't that the object, or is your goal to protect minimum wage laws?

Monday, October 10, 2011

Advice - ignore the Wall Street occupiers

I was watching the talking-heads-shows on Sunday, and heard this advice, but I forget who said it (I wish to give credit where it is due). This person advised conservatives to not rise to the bait, and I agree.

See, these protestors are small, few, puny, unimportant, and insignificant, kinda like the WTO/IMF protestors in Seattle a few years ago. I truly hope that Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and Washingmachine-Schultz latch onto them for dear life, as they will be hitching their wagon to a stale donut. The liberal media are absolutely jubilant and are giving these folks 24 x 7 coverage on every stupid newscast. No, this is simply wishful thinking that the left has found their answer to the Tea Party on the right.

The problem is the basic message of this group: if you listen to them, the beliefs go all over the place, but the common thread is 'corporate greed'. In my book, this is code for 'I hate Capitalism, let us go with Socialism/Karl Marx/Saul Alinsky'. Hoist by your own petard? Obama is engaging in Crony Capitalism, that is awarding gov't $$$ to corporations not based on merit or efficiency, but rather based on one's political connections (Solyndra, GM/UAW) within the Presidential Administration. This displays the ugly underside of Capitalism, so if they were true to their principles, defeating Obama would be #1 on their Hit Parade.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Chinese Food Fight

When I was in grade school, every once in a while when the cafeteria served some god-awful-healthy-concoction-a-la-Michelle-Obama-vegetable, the offending salad or vegetable would inevitable end up flying across the cafeteria. In short order, all sorts of food would go flying, even good stuff that I would prefer to eat.
Such is the state of affairs with foreign trade with Communist China. Take a deep breath, put down the Brussel Sprout, and take a swig from your milk carton.

25% Tariff?
When considering foreign trade with China, some have advocated a punitive tariff, say 25%, on all imported Chinese goods. This impulse is certainly understandable, but displays a disappointing lack of understanding regarding international trade. Any random tariff imposed by the US is sure to run afoul of international trade agreements. Any such action is sure to spark a trade war, and the American consumer (who can buy t-shirts at Walmart made-in-red-china for 3 for $10 rather than $15 each with a label that proudly proclaims 'made with pride in the US with union labor') is sure to be the loser.

(there is no such thing as the 'Yuan'). To my knowledge, there are no laws regarding the manipulation of currencies, and that really is the heart and soul of the trade problem with Red China. They have kept the value of their currency at artificially low levels to give them a successuful leg-up on international trade.
Now, you are talking: a currency war against the Renimbi is totally fair game. Congress could declare currency war against Red China: they could direct the Fed to buy up every Renimbi they can get their hands on, running the printing presses 24x7 and flooding the world with cheap $$$ if need be. When the Renimbi is literally unavailable, since the Fed has ALL of them, this would surely force the value to go up. Red China counters by issuing more Renimbi? No problem: the Fed will just run the printing presses that much faster. This would be a war that Red China cannot possibly win.

The World's Biggest Polluters
Chinese Industrialists think nothing of poisining the air, water, industrial workers, not to mention the ordinary citizen. The most polluted places on earth are all in the Peoples' Republic of China.

Software Piracy
China sports 100's millions of copies of Microsoft Windows. Problem: they are all pirated copies, and Bill Gates and company has never received a nickel from the Peoples' Republic. Ditto for American music CD's and movie DVD's. They simply copy it, and deny American companies billions of dollars that they are legitimately due. But the Chinese do not care. Hey, it is free and those Yankees cannot do a thing about it. They do not respect American copyright or patent laws.

Financial Fraud
Any company that wishes to list itself on American stock exchanges has to go through a daunting array of hurdles and tests before they can offer an IPO: they have to be purer than the Pope. Chinese companies, true to their character, have found a way to cheat on the process (some sort of reverse osmosis bullsh*t, I dunno, I am not a CFA). Many, if not most, have proven to be frauds that soon collapse to zero value.

They Cheat and Lie
Chinese industrialists think nothing about cheating. They deliberately adulterate children's formula and pet food with toxic chemicals that causes illness and perhaps death to anyone, human or animal, that consume the contaminated food stuff.

Intellectual Property Theft
Any major American MNC (multi-national corporation) simply cannot set up shop in China. It must be a co-venture with a domestic Chinese company. A technology 'sharing' agreement is the sine qua non of all such ventures. Any company that does business in Communist China automatically agrees to give away industrial and commercial secrets. This is simply the Chinese way of doing business.

Industrial Espionage
If you will recall, Chinese ballistic missiles were an aerospace joke for decades. They unfailing exploded on the launch pad. Then, suddenly, they were able to test fire one that could reach at least Hawaii. How come? Because they stole secrets about launch vehicles from Loral Space, an American company that regularly launches satellites into orbit.
Sinovel, a Chineses company that bought electricity-making windmills from American Super Conductor, suddenly refused to pay her bills and reneged on purchasing contracts. Why? Because they had gotten hold of secret industrial computer codes that would enable them to make their own electricity-producing windmills.

Americans Do Not Really Have a Right to Do Business in China
This may surprise you, but the legal basis on which foreign countries can do business in China is in a legal gray area. They do not have the right, per se, to own property or business or whatever. This sure seems to be the perfect setup to simply pull the rug out from under any targeted American business doing business in China (say, GM or KFC) and simply nationalize the whole kit and kaboodle, and it would be totally legal under Chinese law: all it would take is an affirmative vote by the Chinese Politburo.

Then Why Not Simply Prohibit Trade With China?
Because Red China represents a billion middle class consumers that American companies are drooling over, and no way are they going to allow trivial things like fairness or truth to get in the way.

Final Word
As you can now see, the litany of legitimate complaints we have against Red China is long and difficult. It is hard to see what good a punitive tariff will do, except to raise the costs to consumers on a budget who depend on cheap Chinese imports to make ends meet at the end of the month.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Gouged by the Banks? Nope, the government again

Have you been whacked by brand new fees on your checking account or debit card yet? B of A, among many others, have done so. Those evil, greedy banks: charging us to use our own money; how terribly mean and unfair of them.

Nope: think again.

A brand new federal government law is causing these charges. See, the Dodd-Frank bill reformed the banking industry supposedly to improve it; however, there was the Durbin Amendment attached to it. It limited the swipe fees (the amount a bank charges the store each time you swipe your debit card) to a hard and fast 21¢ per swipe. See, it used to be a flat charge of a few cents plus a % of the total bill, and a surcharge for smaller amounts; on average, the fee was 44¢, and earned the banks in the neighborhood of $35 billion per year. The politicians thought: aha, let us limited the swipe fee, stop the banks from gouging the retailer, who in turn passes it on to the customer. So, reducing the swipe fee will reduce costs to the consumer.

Not: the retailers, for the most part, ate the fees as part of doing business. They now have reduced costs, and will not pass it on the customer. Worse, the banks have now increased fees on our checking and debit accounts to make up for the lost profit.

This is a classic case of unintended consequences: a law to help consumers have hurt them instead. Maybe it is time for the government to give it a rest already.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Berkeley College Republicans Hit Paydirt

Well, well, well. I would be willing to bet that most did not know that the UC Berkeley campus has an active, Republican student organization. They do now.
They are having a bakesale where the prices are determined by the level of political priviledge that one's minority status entitles one to. I am sure that there are those who were skeptical of stirring up such a hornets' nest, but they have hit the bullseye. They are receiving an extraordinary level of media attention.
They have proved, in spades, that private and institutional racism still exists in our country, and that not all practitioners thereof are of European descent.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Obama Crony Capitalism? maybe

Definition: it is the flow of government funds to private industry based not on merit or efficiency but rather on influence within the gov’t itself. For the cases below, this does appear to be the case, but somehow I doubt that he has the chutzpah to execute it. I think the truth is much uglier: Team Obama is in over its head (i.e. shades of Jimmy Carter).


This company went down, taking $535 million in taxpayer dough with it. There are some rumors about inside influence. However, someone on the inside was releasing private email, and it seems that the Presidential visit had already been set, and there was pressure to approve the DOE loan before his big PR visit.


Then there is the odd symbiosis between Mr. O and the Oracle of Omaha. OO was an adviser to the Obama presidential campaign, plus he has scheduled a fundraiser for same upcoming. OO says that he is rich and not being taxed enough, and Team Obama comes up with something being dubbed ‘the Buffett Tax’. Here, it is hard to see how OO benefits. Besides: OO is widely regarded as financial genius, but I am beginning to wonder: does he understand the income tax was designed as a tax specifically on labor, not capital? It has nothing to do with fairness or rich vs. poor. That is why taxes in investment income are much lower, and also because capital is taxed internally in the financial system before it reaches the taxpayer.


He was appointed by Team Obama to tackle the problem of jobs migrating overseas. He is viewed as a poor candidate, since his company is doing this international job movement as fast as any multinational company; perhaps a campaign link or that GE jumped into Team Obama’s green energy bandwagon early and often? Maybe, but GE is a unique company: it is a wide ranging company that has its fingers in many, many pies, and does bring a unique perspective on the international job market.


So, is Team Obama guilty of crony capitalism? Perhaps, but I am not convinced. I am sure that it is one of the most incompetent Presidential administrations in history.

Friday, September 2, 2011

President Obama’s uncle is…an illegal alien?

Apparently, said uncle was at a waffle house (apparently never having listened to his niece about healthy eating), got drunk, and nearly hit a police car.

Mr. President, I have a question. I will grant that your ‘certificate of live birth’ indicates your birth on the Hawaiian Islands rather than on the ship on the way to said islands (both of my parents have roots in Hawaii). I will further grant that the ‘birth certificate’ circulated later as a response to the brouhaha is genuine.

Question: what about your uncle?

The truth about taxes, unemployment, and GDP

I am getting just a wee bit tired of jawboners from both sides of the political aisle distorting the truth. Truth is something that you cannot pundit your way past. So, permit me to illuminate 3 popular myths.


These folks gleefully full point out that currently, only 15-16% of GDP is going to taxes (which is true; the exact % depends on whose numbers you believe). These pundits then go on to say that further cutting taxes are unnecessary, witness the % they claim. This is simply not true. See, if millions of previously employed people lose their jobs, they are no longer paying federal/state/local taxes, but instead, are drawing wealth transfer payments from gov’t. It is no secret that this situation decreases the % take of GDP from taxes, regardless of the tax rates.


The theory here is that cutting taxes will put more $$$ into the pockets of consumers, they buy more stuff, and therefore create more jobs. Nonsense. Cutting taxes will make working people a tad richer, but it will not create more jobs. It never has: W tried this with those free checks, but no jobs were created then, and none will be created now. Do not get me wrong: I think lower taxes are a good reward for hard working Americans, but it will not create more jobs. Sorry about that.


This may have been true 5 decades ago when I was born, but not today. See, a company like US Steel can create more product using fewer employees. How? Automation, computers, industrial robots, and so forth. So, if we dramatically increase GDP somehow, this has nothing to do with more jobs.


I do not have one. If I did, I would be a very rich and very famous economist somewhere.

Mr. Obama, Mr. Bernanke - surrender now

OK, gentlemen, you are totally out of ammo. Set for a spell. You have both failed, and more of the same ain’t gonna do anything: perhaps you have heard the old saw that stupidity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result?

You, Mr. O, have proven once and for all that fiscal stimulus has little, if any, effect on macroeconomics. You have jacked up the federal budget and the deficit to record levels, all to no avail. Yes, I know: you are scheduled to announce to a fatigued and unemployed nation that you have a new plan to fix things. Forgive my skepticism that you will announce more of the same.

You, Helicopter Ben, have used up every tool in the Fed’s toolbox, not to mention a few I had never heard of before. Like Mr. O, you have proved the relative impotence of the effect of monetary policy on macroeconomics. Borrowing money is now around 0.25%, i.e. free money to lend, yet this has had imperceptible results.

It is finally time for both of you to surrender to the invisible hand of capitalism. I can tell by your respective actions that you have not read the Wealth of Nations recently, so I suggest that you do so now while enjoying a cocktail. As an American who cares about my country, I beg you: let the economy heal itself. If you are in a hole, stop digging. The scab will never heal if you keep picking at it. And any other stupid cliche I can think of.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Warren Buffet, Eat My Shorts

You have stated, recently, that you think that billionaires like yourself should pay more in taxes to Uncle Sam. Well, Mr. Oracle of Omaha, there is no law preventing you from doing that right now. You can even do one of those media things with one of those big, goofy, prop checks, for a $1 billion. Last time I checked, you have not done so. You surely have that capability, don’t you, Mr. Berkshire-Hathaway? You are a hypocrite. You are being disingenuous (look it up, people).

I dare you.

I DOUBLE dare you.

Put your money where your mouth is, and write a check for $1 billion to the IRS before you read the end of this sentence.

No? I didn’t think so.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

My Plan To Grow Jobs In Our Country

A politic pundit growled that one has not the right to criticize Mr. O’s plan, smarty pants, because where is your plan? Challenge accepted. Any idiot can put out an addle-brained jobs program, and I forthwith prove my theorem by presenting my plan to increase employment in the United States of America, the greatest and richest country on earth and in history.

My plan is very flexible, sort of like eating Dim Sum or a buffet: whatever looks good, take it.


Require all employers to run all employees, current and new, to run their SSN’s thru E-Verify, and prohibit all H1B visas. This situation will persist until the unemployment rate is below 5%. See, employers use legal/illegal immigrant workers who will work for lower and/or illegal wages. Problem: these workers often send $$$ home and their employment does not always show up on official employment stats. This choice will increase the cost of employment to business, not to mention consumer prices. You didn’t think that there was going to be a free lunch, did you?


Let oil companies drill until they are drunk: Gulf of Mexico, frack in the Bakken-whatchamacallit, whatever. Let painters and coal power plants pollute the air to their little hearts’ content: the real source of air pollution is vehicles: cars, trucks, and especially diesel powered public transit buses. Let anyone pollute if they will be creating jobs. Hold all rules and regulations and enforcement actions and whatever by the EPA in legal abeyance for a solid period of, say, 5 years.


Well, OK, I will permit you to have 4 weeks worth. After that? Nada, my friend. Is this mean and not compassionate? Sure. Will this create suffering, hunger, and humiliation. Absolutely. Will this cause you to get your fat *ss off the stupid couch, go job hunting (we used to call this ‘pounding the pavement’) 16 hours a day, 7 days a week, and accept virtually anything? You betcha.


OK, tell me: you are faced with either an empty refrigerator or picking up dog poop and soda bottles in the park for $2 per hour, which would you rather have? With this choice, if you can convince someone to take a job at a low wage, that wage is totally legal.


The journaleros (I am sure this is spelled wrong) have the right idea. Make it totally legal to hire someone for only one day and pay them in cash at the end of the day’s work shift. OK, put in a few requirements, but make it legal for anyone. Yeah, the IRS and the Social Security will get cheated, but this will persist only until unemployment goes down.


All rules and regulations from these 2 folks have the net effect of preventing employers from hiring whomever under whatever conditions they please. Put all such things from these 2 agencies on legal abeyance until unemployment is below 5%.


Many do not know this, but it is illegal for the IRS to crack down on illegal immigrants. It is easy to identify these folks: they do not have a legitimate SSN, so the IRS assigns them a ‘TIN’ (tax payer id #) for payroll purposes. These numbers are easy to know: they have a unique numbering scheme (no, I forget what this is, something to do with ‘9’ in the first few digits). Require the IRS to cooperate with ICE in identifying and deporting illegals, opening up jobs for real citizens. These illegals are easily identified by their curious TIN.


US companies are sitting on $trillions of cold, hard cash that they do not wish to spend. They are fearful. If they do spend, there will be mucho jobs. Let us ask them what changes we can make to get them to spend their saved up dough, and make any and all changes they wish. Yes: we will be their servants. So what?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

OK, Let Us Review: Who Won the Debt Ceiling Fight?

Now that the party is over, it is time to clean up the mess and see what lies in the future. There is no definitive answer to my question, but the real loser seems to be our children and grandchildren. Not only have we mortgaged their inheritance, we will pass on to them ginormous credit card bills that will force them to declare bankruptcy.


You might think that the nasty anti-Tea-Party rhetoric in the liberal media to be a sign that they won, and more so from statements that they have genuinely shifted the debate.


True, there are no tax increases, but there are also no real cuts in the current fiscal budget.


He is being pilloried by the Left because he did not get a tax increase, and therefore conclude that Mr. O lost the battle. Not so. Mainly, he got such a huge debt ceiling increase, that this issue will not come up again until AFTER the 2012 elections. This is a victory of major proportions. The power the Tea Party had has been spent, and Mr. O will not have to cut a single thing: not Medicaid, not Medicare, not Social Security, nothing. If fact, the only sure cuts are Defense. The budget deficit will be $1+ trillion as far as the Excel spreadsheet can see.


The true cuts to the current year fiscal budget is teeny-tiny and pretty much a rounding error in a $3.5 trillion budget. Current year legislation cannot obligate future Legislatures to spending cuts, and the Dems and Mr. O are fully cognizant of this.


They could have exacted their pound of flesh: they would have had the hearty support of the entire Republican party. They chose not to, because they truly do not wish to reduce Federal spending, power, or influence.


The 600# canary in the room is the expiration of the Bush Jr. tax cuts. The agreement blithely ignores this, because the plan of everyone (including Mr. B and Mr. C) is to let it expire and increase taxes.


I examined the final legislation. If the mystical-magical budget-cutting-commission does not come up with cuts that pass Congress and get signed by the Prez, automatic cuts appear: $1.0 trillion over 9 years. Problem: 52% comes from DOD, and 48% from everything else, excluding Social Security and Medicaid. Interestingly, Medicare CAN be cut. Why? Because they went back to the old Gramm-Rudman-Hollings bill from 1985 for the language of budget cuts.


Well, we tried that before: ever heard of Simpson-Bowles? Hmm?


Well, really: rather than reach for a deal, they should just let the Federal Gov’t go bankrupt. Stop the SSI checks and military pay; so what? It will all the chaos would have been on Mr. O’s head.

Friday, July 29, 2011

The Republican Circular Firing Squad Too - Reload, Fire!!

I have been amused, and not in the good sense, at the continued inability of Republicans to properly use their power and correctly play their trump cards. Ain’t fur nuthin’ that declarer’s partner is called ‘dummy’.


Treasury announced yesterday that redeeming Treasury paper will go to the front of the line and that there will be no default. Well: surprise, surprise, surprise. This task takes up $20 billion, SSI is another $60 billion, and there is $120 billion leftover for all the other stuff. True, Uncle Sam will have to choose which bills he will pay and those which he will not, kinda like a regular family that is having trouble making ends meet. With a few accounting tricks with the Fed, this situation can persist for many, many months.


Senate Pro Tem Reid has taken a tax increase off of the table. Time for the Tea Party to do an end zone dance, take a Sharpie out their left tube sock, and sign a football from a fan in the front row of the stands.


(forgive my astonishingly accurate use of the Kwakiutl language). His plan is a $3.1 trillion cut in federal spending (I hasted to point out that even if every nickel of this comes to pass, it is still way short of the $4 trillion that S&P/Moody’s/Fitch says is necessary to avoid a downgrade of Treasury paper). $1.3 trillion of specified cuts (most of which is in the ‘out years’ and hence will never happen anyway); problem: CBO scored it and is only $800 billion. The remaining $1.8 trillion comes from a commission to be created later: kicking the f*cking can down the road yet again (remember his actions and statements during the CR brouhaha?). Has he not noticed that Mr. O has already tried this, Simpson-Bowles as has Ryan? Both plans have been completely ignored, and the one B anticipates (which can easily include a big, whopping, punitive tax increase) will suffer the same fate: total budget reduction = $0.00


Some boneheads have suggested that Reid’s taking tax increases off the table is the result of the Speaker standing firm, and that we must therefore, in consequence, support his flaccid spending reduction plan. Guh? Reid’s action is probably the result of a private conversation with the House Minority Whip and his most recent head count that a tax increase will simply not happen, and totally irrelevant to anything the Speaker has or has not done.


The Tea Party stance, that they will simply not vote for this, is totally nonsensical. Yes, it makes a mighty nice talking point, but really? Yes, we can still run the Federal Gov’t and not increase the debt ceiling and balance the budget: any idiot who can run spreadsheet can come up with a budget. Problem: this will require an immediate, across-the-board cut of 33%. Unless the Tea Party is going to announce this afternoon that they support a 33% cut in Social Security checks that will go out in August and forever after, their stance is not logical. Of course: in the process of allowing an increase in the debt ceiling, the Tea Party is certainly entitled to exact their pound of flesh from the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.


No, no: put down the pitchforks and torches. Sit down. Relax. Breathe. I am referring to a Gipper tax increase, not a Marxist-Leninist-soak-millionaires-and-billionaires-and-the-rich-and-ain’t-it-unfair one (and since when is an employed married couple earning $250,000 a year ‘millionaires’?). You young whipper-snappers weren’t alive at the time, so permit me to illuminate the former. Yes, RWR took the top income tax rate of 70% down to less than half that. To do that, however, he did something that would be considered a tax increase by the Tea Party. You could, at the time, fully deduct charitable contributions directly off of your Gross Income from your 1040 right off of the top even if you did not itemize; if you did itemize, you could also deduct the interest you paid on your credit card bills. These and many other popular tax dodges were simply eliminated. I think that Simpson-Bowles got it right: let us eliminate the tax deductions for home mortgage interest and state/local taxes. In fact, let us eliminate 1040 Schedule A altogether and all those tax deductions; in return, the top income tax rate will be reduced to 25%. In this case, the tax code will become flatter, fairer, and simpler. Even better, we will no longer be obligated to spend $100s billion on tax preparation services and accountants.


For the first time since the days of Newt the Speaker, Republicans are actively trying to reduce the size and spending and tax bill of Uncle Sam. Republicans and their supporters should be celebrating, enjoying, encouraging and luxuriating: it should be a wet dream come true. Instead, the House leadership is persisting in their strategy of a circular firing squad. Removing Mr. B as the speaker would not be the worst outcome imaginable in the current situation (I vote for McCarthy, Ryan, DeMint, or Cantor, if I had won in 2010, that is).

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

SecTreas Geithner to Social Security Recipients - Drop Dead?

Well, he indirectly threatened that if the Federal Debt Ceiling is not raised, you might not get your SSI checks. To be sure, Mr. O has done the same thing.

What nonsense.

I thank whatever business website (I forget which one) calculated: every month, Uncle Sam receives $200 billion, but pays out $60 billion in SSI checks. In fact, this happens automatically by statute, and can be changed only by an Executive Order.

So, you see, plenty ‘o dough also for Veteran Benefits, Military Salary, etc. The shortfall is something like $100 billion a month, so we would have to shut down the Dept of Energy and Labor and Ag and Education and whatever. Big fat hairy deal.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

DNC Chairmuffin Makes a Serious Tactical Mistake

Above politician has traded ad hominem barbs with Congressman Alan West. I know that this has riled the Right, but I have slightly different take.

For one thing, this has revealed the chairpencils long standing personal vendetta against West (fyi: they are from neighboring districts in Florida). While it may not cause a job loss, it makes the chairhat damaged goods and therefore that much more ineffective, witness the RNC previous chair.

Second, it has made West a celebrity. Before, I would hazard to guess that virtually no one, even Republicans, had ever heard of him. Now, thanks to the goodly chairleaf, contributions from all over the country will pour into his 2012 campaign coffers. He is conservative, a war hero, and, by the way, black.

In this case, I would encourage the chairwindow to continue said behavior.

The Republican Circular Firing Squad

C’mon people: the Republicans, with the Tea Party as its foundation, have all of the trump cards. If anything dopey happens, it will clearly be on the head of the President. Treasury paper default or downgrade? Blame the Prez, he is the leader. Financial chaos? 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue: hope and change, Shangri-La, si pueda, and so forth.

But look at the behavior: the ‘Gang of Six’; McConnell’s cockamamie and unconstitutional idea, Boehner saying that of course they will compromise. Contrast this with the behavior of Dems when they were in the minority: everyone was on the same page, the morning conference call from the White House, they even used similar language in their comments to the press. They were disciplined in pursuit of a specific goal.

Are Republicans not as smart?

Dear Mr. President, It Is Time to Eat Your Peas

Yes, I know: you love eating banana splits (throwing around $trillions like Santa Claus). However, you cannot eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner: the frig is nearly empty. It is high time to buckle down and eat your peas (big, painful cuts in the current year budget, not promises of same in the ‘out years’).

I remind you that the bond rating agencies have stated that just increasing the debt ceiling will not do. It must also be accompanied by deep, painful, politically unpopular cuts in all areas of gov’t spending, including food stamps, Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security.

(For the record, I love peas: they are one of the few frozen things that I will eat; a hunk of butter, salt, pepper, pinch of sugar, and genuine Paprika, and I can eat a whole bag of the things).

Berkeley City Council Student Wars - What Nonsense

There is a movement afoot to create a city council district encompassing UC students, the idea being to elect a student to the Berkeley City Council. Anyone who barely scratches the surface of city politics knows what nonsense this is, so much so that I wonder if there is an ulterior motive at work, i.e. I smell a rat.


The majority of the student body does not vote, and those that do remain registered in their home district, and do not reregister in Berkeley. I campaigned for public office, including UC students. If you are in a room of 2 or 3 dozen politically active students, consider yourself lucky if one in the room is registered to vote in Berkeley. Yes, there are tens of thousands of UC students, but I would consider it unlikely that as many as the mid-single-digits-percentage actually vote in Berkeley.


That is #7, currently occupied by Worthington. This is the south campus area, where most of the students live, including the dorms.


It would be quite easy (and has been since 1986), with a concentrated effort including a UC student voter reg drive and GOTV, to elect a student in #7. Yet, since districts were invented in Berkeley, there has been one (maybe 2) student candidates in #7, and even these were symbolic, and not serious, challenges to their city council seat. A student has never been elected to #7 because no one has ever seriously wanted the seat. As a practical matter, no successful candidate in 7 (including Worthington) has been elected to this seat without significant student support.

So there.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Why Does the Debt Ceiling Exist At All?

The US debt ceiling, over which the Prez and Congress are having a political jujitsu match, only dates to 1939. It was originally installed to restrain federal gov’t spending and limit its size.

(I pause briefly while waiting for you to stop laughing).

Usually, this has never been a factor, since Congress routinely increased the ceiling without giving it a second thought. With a strong Tea Party wind blowing through the land, the debt ceiling is having a concrete effect on budget negotiations for the first time in my lifetime.

Yes, the current plan of ‘cut (spending), cap (put a permanent cap on the total size of the budget), and balance (the ol’ balanced budget amendment lives again)’ is of course the correct action. Still, it has little chance of surviving the Senate, much less a veto pen.

If, as it seems increasingly likely, we end up with a last minute compromise comprising a tax increase, debt ceiling increase, and cuts in the Federal budget in the out-years (which, somehow, never seem to materialize), what use is the debt ceiling? If it does not, in the end, make a real difference now (other than inspiring a round of Kabuki theater), then when, if ever?

In this case, we should simply get rid of the stupid thing. Its existence might make us feel good, but c’mon, let’s get real. I vote for Gramm-Rudman-Hollings as a useful tool that actually worked.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Obama “Enemies List”

(For those who do not know why the phrase above has quotes, Google that phrase along with “Richard Nixon”). So far, those who are opposed to Truth, Justice, and The American Way are:

  • oil and gas companies
  • corporate jet owners
  • hedge fund managers
  • book authors
  • First Ladies who stuff their faces with French fries as part of a 1,700 calorie cheeseburger lunch (her FDA will allow you to eat only 2,000 calories per day; athletes and pregnant women get 2,500)

(Oh, wait, scratch the last one; that one is from my list). In the World According to Obama, these are folks who have earned more enough, and have more money than they really need. Therefore, Mr. O has the right to tax away what he believes to be excess and spend it according to his own political orthodoxy.

You might think that this is populist, arrogant, envious, Marxist, or any combination of these; you would probably be correct. However, witness: perhaps these are clawings on the cliff as one slowly slips away. He knows that his tax-the-rich mantra is not gaining traction, and is adding more to the list hoping that his demagoguery will take hold (see Rules for Radicals, Alinsky, p. 129: eleventh rule; “…If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside…”).

We shall see.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Is this Armageddon for social security checks???...relax, ain’t so

First, I draw your attention to the great state of Minnesota: the state does not have a budget, so is shut down. Is this the end of society as we know it? Babies are still being fed, grocery stores still have healthy foods, there is plenty of gasoline to buy, the sun still rises in the East and sets in the West, the babbling brook is still babbling and birds are still singing. So there: maybe Minnesota is better this way.

If the limit on Uncle Sam’s credit card is not increased by Aug. 2, nothing will happen; zip, zero, zilch, nada. Most of the $$$ Uncle Sam pays out is automatic, and there is more than enough $$$ to pay off all Treasury paper being redeemed, Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid/Welfare payments, all wages for federal law enforcement and the military, and even all Federal employees will get paid.

The President and SecTreas are flat-out lying to you when they imply that you won’t get your Social Security check starting Aug. 3. What will really happen? The cash flow shortfall will come out selectively from voluntary/optional payments like foreign aid payments, agricultural subsidies, and so forth. Explain to me why this is a bad thing?

The President has the Sword of Damocles hanging over his head: unless Republicans cave, he is a whole heap ‘o trouble. Republicans must realize this, or they will miss a once-in-a-lifetime oppurtunity to truly limit the size of the Federal behemoth (this also makes an excellent opportunity to de-fund Obamacare). One can only hope that the power of the Tea Party in the House gives Country Club Republicans a spine.

As for McConnell’s cockamamie end-around the Constitution he pronounced today, sigh…not a good sign, sounds like a capitulation-in-the-making.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Gov. Moonbeam doofs on California - again

It is amusing, but not in a good sense, to watch the antics of the current occupant of the Guv’s mansion. OK, so who gets screwed this week? Amazon Affiliates, c’mon down!

Yes, I know: I must first explain what an affiliate is. You have a web page or blog or webfront store that might get people to buy things. So, you put a link on your webpage, but the other side of the link is an Amazon product page. Whenever anyone clicks on the link and buys something, you get a 15% commission. Pretty neat deal, huh? In California, there are literally thousands of such affiliates, some of whom are charitables and non-profits. Problem: according to state tax law, such affiliates of an internet retailer counts as a physical presence in the state (beginning to see where this is going?).

Moonbeam and his cohorts just passed a law taxing internet sales, aimed mainly at that internet retailing powerhouse Amazon. The bad guys proceed to rub their hands together in glee, anticipating all the moola they are about to receive. Did no one think to review what happened in other states that attempted, without success, to do the same thing? You guessed it: rather than agree, Amazon did what it usually does in an attempt to save money for their customers: it stops all $$$ to the state’s affiliates and gets an exemption to the internet sales tax.

Was this a wise move? You be the judge.

Casey Anthony is Not Guilty? Really?

This has nothing to do with politics, right? Or not. I think that the same visceral, deep-in-the-gut reaction to this court case is the same elemental force that causes people to decide which political party to vote for, so let us spend a moment or two thinking about this case.

I think that Mark Levin was correct: the public outrage over the verdict of ‘not guilty’ is a reaction to the media coverage of the case rather than the merits of the DA’s case.

For those who have been living under a rock for the past couple of weeks, Ms. Anthony was accused of killing her 2 yo to continue her life as a bon vivant. The jury acquitted her on all counts. Hence, cries of outrage over a miscarriage of justice.

The jury had a choice of murder-1, murder-2, and manslaughter. Not only did the jury to not convict her of any of these, they did so like greased lightening in a mere 11 hours, even more amazing since they also had to consider 4 other charges of lying to police.

No, this does not mean that she did not commit the crime. It does mean that the DA’s case was weak and flaccid, and that he is probably not qualified to clean your toilet bowl.

In this case, it seems likely that she really did kill her baby. However, in the US justice system, you must prove this. The DA did not succeed. I was a juror in a PI case (sorry: civil personal injury lawsuit). Here, you can vote guilty if you think it so, and the legal standard you are tasked with is ‘balance of the evidence’. In a murder case, the DA must prove ‘beyond a reasonable doubt’, and in this case, there was plenty to doubt about the DA’s case.

However, does my opining convince you that justice was truly done? Don’t you still think that Ms. Anthony truly should have been judged guilty of murder? This is the same sort of thinking that I encountered when I ran for Congress. No matter how convincing your evidence, Joe or Jill six-pack will remain unmoved. This is the obstacle that politicians face in an election where you have the facts but not the emotion on your side.

Is Boehner Going to Stab the Tea Party in the Back Again?

OK, last time we left our hero, he promised $100 billion+ in tax cuts in exchange for passing a budget. It turns out that the $$$ cut that he agreed to was really half, and when accountants analyzed the numbers, the actual tax cuts was in the single digits.

Happy Days Are Here Again!!! Our hero is at it again, this time trying to extract yet even more concessions and spending cuts! I wish to remind you that the House Speaker, leader of the Republicans, is an old-fashioned ‘country club Republican’. By that, I mean: he is OK with the size and power of the Federal Government, its intrusion into private and public life, and most importantly with the amount of taxes. His only problem is that the Dems have the wrong philosophy; this is at polar opposite as to what the Tea Party stands for, and he could care less. It is inevitable that he will rollover like a house pet to whatever Obama puts into his bowl.

A couple of days ago, Sen. Kyle (Az) let the cat out of the bag: current negotiations do not involve tax increases, because B et al are calling it ‘revenue enhancement’ and ‘fees’, and not a word about converting Medicaid to a block grant or Medicaid into a voucher program.

Is this anyway to craft a budget? This is supposed to include: Congressional hearings, public comment, back-and-forth between Congressional Committees, lots of media coverage and somewhat inaccurate analysis, and the Senate and the White House. Currently, the negotiations are occurring in secret behind closed doors.

Is this anyway to build a budget: ‘of the people, for the people and by the people’?


This is a once in a lifetime chance to truly bring Uncle Sam’s budget under control, and to cure people of that monthly check of free $$$ at taxpayer expense. Over my lifetime, there have been many effective ways to reduce Uncle Sam’s belt notches.

Note to Obama: I will agree to as many DOD cuts as you wish, if you will agree to 50% in immediate cuts to Medicare and Medicaid.

Do we have a deal, Mr. President? Hello?

Thursday, June 30, 2011

I agree with Mark Halperin: Obama is a (male sexual organ)

His exasperation with the Prez was certainly palpable, and it is difficult to fault him.

Witness: Obama ‘challenged’ Republicans to get the budget done, as so stated with glee by many in the mainstream media. But, what exactly is Obama doing in his daily calendar? Golfing, fund raising, Martha’s Vineyard, and an African safari. All fine and well, but Obama has a job to do, and he is not hunkering down in the White House to get it done, as had done his predecessors. Are these the actions of someone who is serious about getting the job done?

Also, witness Obama’s hypocrisy. He criticizes corporate jets, but he personally has the most expensive one of them all: a jumbo jet liner, Boeing 757 or whatever it is, not to mention Air Force 2 and the whatever that Pelosi used to have access to. Note carefully that these are NOT Jetstreams, which is what, for the most part, most corporate jets are.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Obama to Afghanistan, Taliban, Pakistan - I surrender

I heard O’s speech today announcing the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan. Like his policy of not exactly declaring war on Libya, he did not articulate a clear cut reason for his actions. His speech seemed to be one of those cut-n-paste jobs from previous Presidents arranged to seem to say something concrete.

No, there is nothing logical or inventible or unavoidable about O’s foreign policy. It is on his shoulders to explain, and he failed.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

'Spare the Air Day' is Bullsh*t

[for those who do not live in the Golden State, a 'Spare the Air Day' is a declaration by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) that the air quality is so bad, that you are encouraged to not pollute the air to your best effort]
Today, CARB declared one of these idiotic days. You are not suppose to run your gasoline-powered lawn mower or have a BBQ. OK, CARB is being disingenous (look it up, people).
OK, let us review atmospheric chemistry (this is one of the few technical subjects that I am qualified to speak on). CARB declares these STAD based on the predicted level of ozone, an atmospheric pollutant, granted. Also, this prediction is reasonably reliable. What is the major source of ozone? Cars. Brinkmann smokers and lawn mowers do not generate ozone in significant amounts, but even ULEV cars do. It used to be that on a STAD, you could ride said buses and so forth for free. Nice, logical, and effective.
So, the best way to fight ozone is to get people out of their cars and into public transit that is running away. What did CARB do? They eliminated funding for free public transit. How stupid is that? At this point, I hope that you do not doubt the maxim that the stupidest people become gov't bureaucrats.

Friday, June 17, 2011

(psssst…fiscal stimulus does not work; Keynes was totally wrong)

Do you remember 2008? An unknown newbie promised that if we spend $767B in taxpayer money, that unemployment will not go above 8%. There were triumphant headlines proudly proclaiming: ‘we are all Keynesians now!’.


Not a nickel of yon fiscal spending made one dadgum bit of difference, despite the fact it was at least an order of magnitude bigger than anything Keynesians had imagined, even in their wildest wet dreams. Yet, you will read many seemingly-intelligent editorials proudly proclaiming that the problem is that it was not enough $$$: what we need is even more.

Double bullshit.

It is high-time that we realize that the US economy is a living, breathing, independent, and really annoying beast that has a life of its own. Mankind has little, if any, say on how said beastie behaves. Anyone who claims to know how to train yon beast is an idiot.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Pakistan: friend or foe?

I wish you to understand the following news item as diagnostic: the Pakistan gov't arrested several snitches who were implicated in the recent take-down of Osama bin Laden. They were accused of cooperating with the CIA.
C'mon: would this have happened if Pakistan were on the side of Obama/Clinton/Gates/US? This very same country signed a peace treaty with the Taliban. This country's equivalent of the CIA, the ISI, is an ally of the Taliban.
So, here is my question: which country is a greater danger to our country: Pakistan, or Iran?

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Do Not Fear the Debt Ceiling

Sigh…I am getting just a wee bit tired of so-called experts say that not raising the US Federal Debt Ceiling will be disaster: we will default on Treasury paper and lose our AAA bond rating; there will be chaos and collapse of the world-wide banking system; the earth will open up and swallow the US whole into a gigantic, gaping, fiery maw.

Oh, puleez, gimme a break.

The US Federal gov’t receives bazillions of dollars each and every day, and pays out just as much every day. Uncle Sam has 2 types of payments: repayment of debt and payment on accounts payable. If the debt ceiling is not raised and we ‘run out of money’, the accounts payable will be cut back, but all people trying to redeem Treasury paper will receive 100% of their dough: there will be no default.

Permit me to illustrate. Take out $1.00 in coins and place it on the table. Take 30¢ into one pile (the house mortgage payment), and 70¢ in another (food, clothing, vacation, entertainment); no, I do not know the exact numbers: this is only an example. Now, mom walks in and says: sorry, honey, Dad’s work hours have been cut back, and next week you will have 5¢ less. OK, question: are you going to default on your debt payment and risk your house, or are going to take the nickel out of the accounts payable stack and eat cereal for dinner for a while?

So, what happens if Uncle Sam cuts back on accts payable? Those receiving agricultural subsidies, foreign subsidies, free food stamps, federal employee pension and health payments, and federal contractors will have to wait a wee while before beginning to receive regular payments again. I would be willing to bet that there will be no major consequences, besides the usual wailing and gnashing of teeth by people getting free money from Uncle Sam, until after the 2012 elections.

Barbara Lee (Calif. CD9) is a Communist

Today, said Congressman has succeeded and is celebrating his efforts to resume regular airline service to that evil, despotic, anus-of-humanity country and Communist dictator Cuba and Castro.

To whomever challenges her in the 2012 election, notate bene.

For the record: during my campaign for said Congressional district in 2010, I never once criticized my opponent or even mentioned his name. For this one instance, I make an exception. To answer your next question, no: 2012 is off of the agenda.

A brief history lesson: the congressman in question got his start as a low level staffer for Ron Dellums when he occupied CD9 a couple of decades ago, and he is an avowed Communist. You could say that the current occupant of said seat learned his lessons well, since his election victory margins are much larger than that of his mentor.

the Dept of Education has shotguns and their own paramilitary force?

Listening to Mark Levin today, and had a story that even shocked me: a citizen behind on student loan payments, had a DOE paramilitary force invade their home. Apparently, the OIG (office of inspector general) had their own police force.

OK, since when does OIG have independent enforcement authority? OIG investigates and corrects behavior of internal, gov’t employees, not against the regulated populace.

Those who have any doubt that the Prez is an arrogant tyrant, you can now rest assured.

Weiner’s wiener

Listen, and listen carefully: I could care less about the Congressman’s personal/sexual life. Such things are, correctly in my view, entirely private and irrelevant.


He deserves to lose his job because he told a lie. Nixon rightfully lost his elected office, not because of a third-rate burglary that was at best a misdemeanor, but because he told a lie. Ditto for Clinton: he should have also lost his elected office, not because his Lewinsky involvement was immoral (which it was, in my view), but because he told a lie. I apply the same standard to the elected official in question

Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day

Today, between frosty longnecks and undercooked cheeseburgers, take a moment to remember those Americans who gave their all protecting our country. During my campaign, the contacts from military (current and retired) made me proud to be an American.

There is an old saying: if we keep their memory, our loved ones really are not gone.

Have a happy Memorial Day.

Trump gets under Obama’s skin, the Prez is a real dweeb

OK, being a member of the SF/Bay Area Republican party, those who question O’s citizenship are, deservedly in my view, derisively called ‘birthers’. Is Mr. O a US citizen? Was he really born in Hawaii? And, more importantly, what kind of jack*ss seriously entertains this idiotic question?

Well, apparently, the Prez’ vanity knows no bounds. No serious Republican, and I count myself among the most conservative of Conservatives, pays this question any serious attention. The fact that the Prez does (and held a high profile press conference ‘revealing’ his real birth certificate, or live birth whatever), does not speak well of his self-perception, confidence, or judgment.

Are you sure that you want such a person as your President??

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Israel 1967? Mr. President, are you nuts?

Today, the President said that Israel must withdraw to the 1967 borders. Granted: the Arab-Israeli conflict has been a thorn in the side of all presidents since Eisenhower, and to this day still festers, much to the shame of all involved. Nevertheless, Obama’s opinion is the most irresponsible I have ever heard pronounced on the subject.


You young ’uns can be forgiven for not understanding what the fuss is all about. Israel was created by the UN a few years after the conclusion of WW2 in the wake of the Holocaust. In 1967, the Arab countries marshaled their military might and invaded Israel in attempt to kill every last Jew and push Israel into the sea. They lost in a shamefully impotent effort, and Israel rightfully gained land as spoils of war.

In 1973, the exact same thing happened, only this time the Muslim defeat was even more embarrassingly quick and complete. Here, they gained the Golan Heights and the West Bank of the Jordan River, important strategic defensive holdings, that the Islam countries must retake if they are ever to have a military chance of defeating Israel in a subsequent war.


Every Israeli government since I was child had proposed to give back said territory to the Muslim countries, in exchange for a statement that they recognize that Israel has a right to exist, and further that they promise to never make war against Israel ever again, e.g. trading land for peace (Sadat/Egypt took Israel up on her offer, and has enjoyed blissful peace ever since, well up to a couple of weeks ago). Every single time, the Muslims, except Egypt which may now renege, have given a firm ‘NO’ to the Jewish proposal.

See, Islam does not want their land back, they want to completely destroy Israel.


That is why Obama’s proposal for Israel to withdraw to the 1967 borders is shameful. This amounts to military surrender by Israel, and Mr. O is fully cognizant of this fact.

Point in fact, Israel has done similar things in the past: they withdrew (but still maintain sovereignty over) from the Gaza Strip and also Lebanon. Both were supposedly why Islamic countries are doing battle with the Jewish state. Yet, Muslim desire to destroy the Jewish state has remained unchanged.


What on earth is O up to? Surely he realizes that his proposal is unfair and unjust. No previous president, not even Carter, has been so blatantly partisan. Perhaps he thinks that outreach and friendship to Islam is more important than the continued existence of a sovereign Jewish country?

To answer your next pesky question, I echo Boehner: O said he is Christian, and I take him at his word.


To make such a pronouncement the day before an official visit to the White House by the Israeli Prime Minister is simply in bad taste. A rapper was shown more respect. Now we know where O’s priorities lie.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Is San Francisco anti-Semitic? No-Circ?

There is currently a proposed municipal law in San Francisco banning circumcision. That is, the surgical cutting-off of the foreskin of the penis of newborn babies.

This is clearly anti-Semitic. Circumcision is a key event in the life of a Jewish baby. Banning this act is slap in the face to Jews: it is akin to prohibiting Protestants to wear a cross around their necks, prohibiting Hindus from wearing a turban, prohibiting Muslim females from wearing a burkha, or prohibiting a Jew from wearing a yarmulke at public events (oh, wait, this is already banned in some cases).

Being a circumcised male, I sometimes wish it were not so. ALL males from my generation are ‘clippies’. Nevertheless, this is no reason to outright ban a medical procedure that is integral to a religious procedure.

If San Francisco were even a teeny bit as sensitive to Jewish sensibilities as it to, oh, say, vegans, such a law would be simply laughed out of polite society. This is way beyond simply expressing the wish that perhaps you ought not to automatically have your baby circumcised.

If this were a football game and I were an official, I would throw my yellow flag and penalize the defense 15 yards for illegal facemask grabbing, automatic first down.

Monday, May 16, 2011

CBS' Lara Logan finally speaks

Just in case you have lost track, Ms. Logan is the young, pretty, blonde, white, Christian, female, reporter who, separated from her male camera crew, was stripped naked and brutally gang raped by a large group of angry, male Muslims.

Last Sunday, the reporter detailed her skin-crawling, nauseating tale about how she was abused by Muslims. She was so brutalized, that her main concern was not being publicly naked or sexually penetrated, but having her muscles permanently destroyed.

So, here is my question: what the Hell kind of religion permits such treatment of females?

In my world, women are to be honored, cherished, loved, and, most of all, obeyed. They are the civilizing force that converts hairy, smelly, rude males into decent husbands qualified to take his place in polite society.

I have yet to hear of an apology from the Muslim world.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

a presidential limerick

there once was a Prez named Obama
who killed a dude named Osama
his vanity is plain to see
he loves misogynist and cop-killing lyrics with glee
too bad he doesn't dig Abba

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Bravery and Courage? Nope: the Prez is a Coward and a Liar

I am getting tired of Liberal media sycophants calling O’s decision to invade OBL’s luxury residence as courageous and gutsy. They could not be more wrong if they were wearing tin foil hats and Star Trek t-shirts. Permit me to correct the record.

Coward #1

By his own admission, he was presented with capture/invasion plans more than once, and said ‘NO’ each and every time, I am sure being constantly badgered by the military to give the green light. Eventually he did, but it would be interesting to find out what changed his mind: perhaps sinking poll numbers or advice from his 2012 campaign manager.

Coward #2

He will not release pictures of the dead OBL. He is afraid of a negative backlash from Muslims, including the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda. He would rather make nice with radical Islam rather than give Americans closure over 9/11. He fears even one act of terrorism or a simple Arab street protest that can be traced to something he did.

Coward #3

The entire operation, along with its success, should have been kept a secret for as long as possible. Sure, the secret would have slipped out eventually, but in the mean time the US would have a powerful strategic advantage over radical Islam. The Prez must have been afraid that this action would give the US a leg-up in the War Against Terrorism, preferring to squander this advantage in favor of proudly trumpeting the success, doing a victory lap at Ground Zero, and pumping up his poll numbers.

Liar #1

In his address on Sunday night, the Prez used an awful lot of first person pronouns. I do not recall him giving credit to Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, or waterboarding as being key pieces to the successful killing of OBL.

Liar #2

The stories from the administration as to what really happened changed by the hour. This is clear evidence that the White House is desperately attempting to give a positive political spin, rather than simply telling the whole and complete truth.

Liar #3

Even his own SecState is lying. A photo is circulating of same apparently shocked at something she is viewing. Her own explanation is something about allergies. I have hay fever, but that is not what I look like when I try to suppress a sneeze. Question: what is she, and the persons sitting next to her, covering up?

Monday, May 2, 2011

God Bless America, and God Bless the Navy Seals

Now is not the time to play politics. For the nonce, let us just bask in glory. We finally nailed that SOB. Osama is dead, long-lived Osama!

Course, this little episode brings up other rather disturbing questions:

  • Length of cooperation between Pakistani Special Forces and Al Qaeda
  • How many times before has the American president had OBL in the crosshairs, but declined to pull the trigger?
  • Why nail OBL now, and what about the back story in the White House behind the Prez’ decision to order OBL be killed

Saturday, April 30, 2011

what happened to the tax dollars you have just paid on your IRS 1040?
  • Old = 1/3
  • Poor & unemployed = 1/4
  • Military = 1/4
  • Everything else (i.e. 'discretionary spending") = 20%
just thought you would like to know.

The Fed Lies - inflation is already 10% and counting

Perhaps you have heard the official Hed-Fed line that inflation is still tiny, only 2% or so.

This is a total lie.

You see, this 'official' figure does NOT include gasoline and food. Well, if you are a normal person, you have seen the price of gasoline and food go through the roof. You are currently have mucho inflation every time you fill up your gas tank or try to buy groceries.

Indeed, if we use the 'old' measure of inflation, it is actually around 10%. The 'official' figure does not include food and gasoline because, so the pointy-heads say, that these are too volatile to base monetary policy on. Well, perhaps, but it means that the measure that the Fed uses has NO relation to the actual cost of living for the average person.

Perhaps 'Helicopter Ben' can be convinced to use the realistic cost of living for a family of 4, rather than some theoretical number, for his outlook as to what the inflation rate really is.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Commander-In-Chief asleep-at-the-switch

Right now, today, is one of the greatest moments in history: the Arab Spring. There are dramatic geopolitical changes taking place in the Middle East and North Africa; a weary, brow-beaten populace is tossing off the yoke of totalitarian government. These events are just as historically powerful as the fall of the Berlin Wall.

What a pity: the American President is sitting on his hands, unsure of what to do, hoping that things will blow over. The CIC can reshape that part of the world for generations to come, but our current CIC is the wrong person in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Perhaps he can be prevailed upon to play a little less basketball, do a little less demonizing of oil companies, and think really hard about how to bring democracy and freedom to a part of the world devoid of same and ensuring that the good guys win.

Monday, April 18, 2011

a Field Guide to Political “-isms”

No, I do not have training, either formal or informal, in political philosophy, and not really qualified to the write this article. However, after a while, one gets just a wee-bit tired of people misusing terms like: fascist, Socialism, and Communist. So, this is my attempt to untangle the mess. Yes, the descriptions are rather elementary, but this is how I think about it so I can keep them straight.


A nationalistic political system that tightly integrates foreign policy, military, culture, economy, values, religion, and citizens using corporate principles into an organic, obedient whole.

The economic policies can be left or right wing. Individuality and liberty are strongly discouraged in favor of conformity. An aggressive, militaristic foreign policy is a key aspect.


A variety of Fascism that employs the principles of racial superiority, eugenics, and anti-Semitism as a source of strength.


This political system envisions the common or public ownership, use and allocation of economic resources for the common good. It frowns upon bureaucracy, hierarchy, and power structures in favor of collective or dispersed decision making. This rather broad philosophy encompasses many different flavors, differing mainly in the relative balance of power between collective decision making and the free market; European Social Democracies lean towards the latter. The hallmarks of this flavor are workers’ rights, welfare, and social justice.


A political philosophy envisioning an endless class struggle between the rich (bourgeoisie) and the working poor (proletariat) for control over wealth, culminating in the victory, eventually, of the latter. It comes in several different flavors, including: Leninism (which adds a one party political system to catalyze the process), Stalinism (which adds central economic planning and 5 year plans), and Maoism (ah ain’t quite sure about this one, since ‘The Little Red Book’ is an incoherent mess, but has something to do with empowering peasant villages; in the end, it is hard to distinguish between this and the central party statism of Stalinism, even though Maoists hated Stalinism even more than capitalism, probably for something about betraying the cause or something).

It is a serious mistake to equate or confuse Communism with Socialism. Although Communism is a single party political system, it also a mistake to assume that all single party systems are Communist.


Absolute, total, unlimited control of all aspects of life, public and private, by either one person or a group of people.

Dictatorship, Autocracy

These are not exactly the same from a historical viewpoint, but as a modern gloss they can be thought of as identical. A variety of Totalitarianism where power is exercised by a single person.


Where a small group of people exercises effective control.


An Oligarchy where the controlling group are the rich and the wealthy.


The head of state is the husband (king) and/or wife (queen) of a royal family. It is hereditary, but can also be usurped. Often, monarchs are politically weaker than the head of state of other political systems. There are several varieties of monarchy depending on the relative balance of power between the monarch and other political institutions, including Constitutional Monarchy.

American Representative Republic

Strictly speaking, the government of the United States is not a democracy. The problem is that the Founding Fathers, when they wrote the Constitution, redefined several political concepts. In the original, pre-Christian, Hellenistic sense, democracy meant every citizen voting on every issue, and the majority rules absolutely (hence, ‘tyranny of the majority’); this is emphatically NOT how US politics operates. The US is a Republic, because it does not employ a monarch as the head-of-state. It is representative because all politicians exercising power are elected (directly or indirectly) by the citizens. When the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution, they invented a whole new system of governance unknown to political science that specifically limited the power of the central government; unlike Karl Marx, their system persisted.


A rare political system where the religious leaders are also the political leaders that rule the country. The existence of strong influence by the Catholic Church in Medieval Spain or Sharia law are not indications of theocracy (e.g. Saudi Arabia has Sharia law, but it is a monarchy). Current example is Iran.


Those who are most capable and successful therefore accumulate political power and economic resources. Most Capitalistic countries are Meritocracies. It is not enough for a country to simply declare that the most talented and most able will have the most power and influence: this must be true in practice.

Final Word

As you can tell, some of these terms overlap, and it sometimes becomes difficult to classify a nation’s governance with certainty. Is Cuba autocratic, fascist, or Stalinist? Probably a little of all of them. Is Red China with its embrace of Capitalism actually now Socialism? Nope: still Leninist as far as I can see. Totalitarianism can be properly thought of as Oligarchy on steroids. See how hard it is to pigeon-hole political philosophy?

Yes, I know, there are probably many mistakes, and I encourage you blog when find them.

Monday, April 11, 2011

solving the energy crisis is stupidly simple

All we need is determination and a true desire to increase energy, rather than spouting platitudes.

Radioactivity is Our Friend
There is really only one satisfactory source of electricity for an energy hungry nation that produces 25% of all the world's stuff: nuclear power.
Critics will harrumph: they cost a lot and take lots of time to build. Well, not quite: they are referring specifically to the Toshiba/Westinghouse APC1000. This a 1,000 megawatt montrosity, and just the construction costs are a billion bucks, and all the licensing and safety stuff adds billions more. Environmentalists can delay construction of said monstrosity for a decade or more, filing lawsuit after lawsuit.
There is a new generation of mini-me, fast-neutron nuclear reactors. They are only 10-100 megawatts, cost only a few million, are quickly constructed, and totally safe (nuclear accidents are impossible with this new design of lead cooled reactors).

Natural Gas
Here on the Left Coast, almost 50% of our electricity comes from natural gas. That's foolish: we should be using nuclear to make electricity. We can easily use natural gas in our cars. Not only is NG compatible with our current gasoline delivery system (ethanol is not; it requires substantial retooling alll along the supply chain), we have gobs of it right here at home.
Besides: Honda already makes a successful NG gas car; you can buy one in Brazil. It works great.

Shale Oil
You probably have heard about this, but is called 'fracking' in the media. The fear is that it will contaminate the water table.
We have more than 200 years' worth of oil in our very own country locked up in shale. All we have to do is get it.

For the time being, we have plenty of oil reserves in our country; we do not have to import 60% of our oil, all we have to do is go get it in our own backyard. However, drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, off the West Coast, the Rockies, ANWR, and so forth. The only thing that is stoping us overly paranoid environmental concerns.

Huzzah! Ryan firmly grasps the third rail!

I am old enough to have lived through the Reagan administration. In particular, I read the book written by David Stockman, R's budget director. He stated that James Baker, the architect of R's first and second election victories, carried around a bazooka on his shoulder labeled 'social security': if anyone even suggested touching SS, he would blow your f*cking head off.

I am glad to see that the political landscape has change. Polls of young 'uns in their 30's and 40's seem to understand that Medicare and Social Security will not exist in their current shape when they get old and retire. Therefore, now the time is ripe to reshape Medicare and SS in ways unimaginable during R's presidency.

We must finally admit, after all, that we simply cannot afford Medicare and SS as they are currently built.

How to Reduce Medical Costs

Medical costs in the US has gone through the roof. Granted. However, I would like to point out the 600# canary sitting in the corner that is cause of most of these medical costs.
No, no, I do not mean that physicians are being overpaid. We, as medical consumers, are required too often to 'consult a doctor or physician'. Most of our medical maladies can be simply and cheaply solved by a neighborhood medical clinic or advice nurse, with nary a doctor in sight.
My medical insurance has an 'advice nurse'. Several times, a quick panicky phone call has been solved with simple advice, and saved several trips to the doctor. The nurse tells you what to do, and, more importantly, whether you need to make an appt. with the doc.
Neighborhood clinics providing low cost, informal medical service can not only reduce medical spending, but also give us more immediate, more personal, happier medical care. Course, the bureaucrats will have to undo all of their laws preventing these types of inexpensive medical resources (something about ensuring 'high quality' medical care; we should only require that it be affordable).

blame it on the tea party

Democrats are blaming the Tea Party for the current troubles regarding the government budget and hypothetical shutdown.
This is a good thing: it means that Dems fear the Tea Party.
Party on!!!

the UN is totally Looney-Tunes - read their Declaration of Human Rights

First, this is not a joke. This really does exist. As far as I can tell, they appear to be totally serious about this.

The reference is:
The Declaration of Human Rights

Article 24.
Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.

Article 25.
(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
(2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

Article 26.
(1) Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.
(2) Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.
(3) Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.