Since the Republican standard-bearer
got his butt kicked in the election, I have heard any number of
ridiculous opinions on why we lost so handily and what to do about
Why Obama Won So Easily
Take your pick:
- brilliant use of social media
- refusal to compromise
- greatest populist since Perot
- greatest community organizer since Saul Alinsky
- courage to tell lies unabashedly and never repent
- clinging to his credo, come hell or high water
We must decide which of these is true.
Hey, The Campaign Is Over
Some have ridiculed Mr. O's
“campaigning” for the “fiscal cliff” by making campaign-style
speeches to large crowds around the country. He should be having
face-to-face negotiations with Congress, they say.
Au contraire: his strategy is
See, after every election, including
those by both parties, it is traditional to dismantle the campaign
staff, send everyone home, and hire someone to sweep the floors and
turn out the lights. Not so with Mr. O: his campaign machine is still
running full-throttle and firing on all cylinders. I suspect that
this will continue to be so into the 2014/16 elections. This makes
for a rather formidable challenge for Republicans from the git-go.
Our Old Message Is Not Enough
Up until now, this is what the
conservative wing (now retitled 'tea party' during the last couple of
elections) has stood for:
- Second Amendment
- stop the EPA
- against wealth-transfer payments
- fighting abortion
- global warming is a hoax
- reduce the footprint of taxes on the economy
- law and order, military spending
If you were to cook up these
ingredients into a stew and serve it for lunch in the California
prison system, you would get a citation for
cruel-and-unusual-punishment for serving a thin gruel of little
nutritional value.
Popular credo seems to have left these
in the dust, and conservatives do not seem to have noticed.
What The Punditocracy Says
“Vote like your lady parts depend on
it” is the e-card heard 'round the world, and, despite the fact
that it was quickly deleted, is the moment when Romney lost the
election. See, it communicates the message “we are for you” or
“we really care about you”, and notice the important word “you”.
For those (especially the well-paid political pundits who flood the
airwaves) who think this trivial, I suggest you reread How To Win
Friends And Influence People. The effectiveness of this rather
shameless pandering?
Humbly suggest you check the final
Electoral College tally.
Worse, some have suggested that the
more Republican policies resemble those of Democrats, the more votes
we will take away. The Bush clan (and, sadly, Cruz), seem to believe
that if we surrender on Amnesty, all Mexicans will magically start to
vote with us. Rove thinks that all we have to do is triangulate on
important issues, and we will clear the table. Both these types of
threads got their collective butts kicked in the election.
We will never win by compromising our
beliefs and principles.
Step Number 1
We must show Jeb Bush and Karl Rove to
the door. full stop. Tell them to not let the screen door hit them on
their backsides on the way out.
Conservativism: The Next Generation
We need a new playbook, cuz our old one
just ain't gonna do the job. No, I ain't no genius, and do not have
the smarts to tell you how to write a new one (a truism I wish a few
other prominent pundits would adopt).
Datum #1: we want all of you to be
rich, fat, and happy.
Make it easy to start and run your own
business. How about making all subchapter S income devoid of taxes
below a certain limit? How about preventing local city councils from
making it almost impossible to start a new business without a big
bankroll and a lawyer on retention to navigate the municipal
bureaucracy? How about preventing a new start-up restaurant from
being subject to 250 business taxes?
Datum #2: your
life will be a great one.
All the Chicken
Littles screaming in your ears are totally wrong. You are going to be
wealthier, healthier, and happier than your parents. There is no way
this is not going to be true.
Datum #3: we are
the champs.
The United
States of America is the greatest nation to have ever existed. We are
all fortunate to be alive at this point in history. We need your help
to make it even greater.
Datum #4: we
shall never surrender.
Thus intoned
Churchill during the darkest hour of WW2. We are who we are, we
believe in what we believe in. Never, ever forget that.
Datum #5:
prosperity is just around the corner
Ever wonder how
FDR presided over the Great Depression that was not only very bad,
but got progressively worse under his administration, and still got
handily re-elected? He drew pretty pictures of his vision of the
future with crayons.
Datum #6: si,
Reagan, and
Nixon before him, won in historic presidential election landslides.
They won the electoral votes even in states these days considered to
be “blue” and therefore untouchable by current credo: NY and
Calif. We did it before, and we can do it again. All we require is
courage, something lacking in our presidential nominee for the 2012
elections. What we got was The Cowardly Lion, and he got his butt
Someone has to
start choosing pretty, shiny, colored beads and string them into a
necklace that Americans will be proud to own. That task needs to
start now, today. Super Tuesday of 2016 is too late.
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