Monday, December 17, 2012

why we cannot criticize Islam or Mohammed

[no, I cribbed this thought, but cannot for the live of me remember where, since I like to give credit where it is due].

Does God Exist?

For now, let us postulate that the answer is “yes”. In that case, does it make sense that he appeared to only one culture? Surely he would have appeared to each and every peoples, speaking to them in ways that are familiar.


Politics and religion in our country had their start in the English pub. There, you argue, criticize, speak your mind, freely express your opinion, and debate, no doubt fueled by a pint or two. These are the cultural roots of our Founding Fathers, and is why we have freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to own guns. It is also why the Protestant church splintered into a thousand pieces, since each is entitled to an opinion.


Some Arabic peoples originally had their roots in nomadic tribes, a very difficult way of life. Here, order, structure, and obedience are the watchwords. Consensus and agreement is the norm, not criticism or argument. That is why Islam is intolerant of differing viewpoints, and you dare not say anything negative about Mohammed.

In Conclusion

I suspect that this cultural disconnect is why we have such problems with Muslims. No, I absolutely am not advocating multiculturalism. Our culture is reflected in our religion. In both cases, clash does seem to be unavoidable. The question: what do we do about it?

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