Heh, heh...you cannot write fiction
this exciting or engrossing.
First, let us introduce our cast of
The Delta
Located on the
eastern side of the SF Bay, it is the confluence of the Sacramento
and San Joaquin Rivers. It is a complex network of levies, fresh
water, agriculture, and nature. It drains into the Bay.
The Endangered Species Act (ESA)
is a small bait fish (hypomesus transpacificus),
native to the Delta, which is protected by the ESA. Human
civilization is not allowed to take the water it needs from the Delta
or tributaries because in times of drought, because this might damage
the population of said bait fish.
The California Aqueduct
It is fed at its
head by 2 huge water pumps located in the Delta. It is a gigantic
canal that waters agriculture of the interior valleys as it wends its
way south, terminating eventually in the Los Angeles Basin, which is
technically a desert. Due to the ESA, the pumps have been turned off
because California is in the midst of a very bad drought.
The San Joaquin Valley
Even in the
absence of irrigation, it is the most productive agricultural land on
the face of the earth, second only to the Ukraine. The San Joaquin
River flows through this valley, flowing westward just north of
Fresno, ending eventually in the Delta.
The Farmers
Tending the
verdant Valley, they have turned Central California into the salad
bowl of the world. They used to be able to tap the native river to
water their crops, but can no longer do so due to the ESA. Instead,
they are forced to draw water from the aqueduct as the water is
pumped from the Delta southwards down to LA. So, the water they get
have made a round trip from the river down to the Delta and back up
past the Valley (no, I am not kidding).
Thirsty Cities
Many cities in
SF/Bay Area draw drinking water from lakes, reservoirs, and the
Delta. This year, many will literally run out of drinking water long
before the winter rains return.
And now, our feature
Act 1
“Reprieve”. In
a rare moment of clarity, the useful idiots temporarily suspend the
ESA (OK, now you know that this is not real life, but science
fiction, right?).
Act 2
Aqueduct, Die”. See Star
Trek: The Next Generation. Episode:The
Ensigns of Command.
Even the Guardians of Gaia cheer.
Act 3
“Dam, You”. The moratorium on building dams is lifted. Many
reservoirs and dams and man-made lakes are constructed. Now, in times
of plenty, water can be saved and stored. Even in times of terrible
drought, there will be enough drinking water for all.
Act 4
Water, Everywhere...” The farmers are allowed to directly tap the
river flowing through their own backyard as much as they want. What
was desert now blooms with a carpet of color that extends as far as
the eye can see. Reference: Exodus
Act 5
“The Decline and Fall of the Peripheral Canal”. Now that there is
enough water for all, there is no more thought of a second
aqueduct/canal allowing the south to commandeer yet more precious
water from the north.
Act 6
“Godzilla vs. LADWP”. Once again, the good guys win. LA returns
to the desert from whence it came (honestly, who cares?). Balloons,
confetti, ticker tape parade, popping of champagne corks.
And they all lived happily ever after.
The End?
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