Saturday, February 8, 2014

Why Is President Obama Supporting a Cop Killer?

Act 1
Mumia Abu-Jamal assassinates a police officer in cold blood. This fact is not in doubt. Debo Adegbile is the lawyer who defends his client numerous times in his journeys through the US legal system.

Act 2
Scene: Berkeley, CA. There are many signs intoning: “Save Mumia Abu-Jamal” around town. A candidate who is running for the House of Representatives in Berkeley in 2010, waiting at a stop light, is nudged by a stranger who, pointing at one of these signs, says: isn't that a good cause? Said candidate responds: he is a cop-killer; who on earth would support a cop-killer? (crickets).

Act 3
The current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave nominates said lawyer to the United States Commission on Civil Rights. The fact the cop-killer and said occupant are of the same racial group is, of course, simple coincidence.

Act 4
A stunned nation responds: WTF?

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