Sunday, February 2, 2014

Chris Christie - The Decline And Fall Of A Republican Presidential Hopeful

A Tale of the Republican Mafioso

The latest brouhaha regarding the rather rotund Guv details yet another case of mafia-like behavior. You know, made him an offer he couldn't refuse. It is now clear that he is simply a bully, in the old-fashion, high school sense. Said tub-o-lard is clearly not made of presidential timber.

It seems that a key aide has said that CC knew of the GW Bridge closure/retaliation much earlier than he claims. Well, this by itself is not that damning, but then CC made yet another mistake of the same magnitude as the bridge closure. He retaliated against the aide, his career, and his family.

Now, dear readers, I have a question: are not these 2 events clearly congruent? Does this not give us a clear view into his soul?
Do not be fooled by the media, who clearly favors CC as the R presidential candidate in 2016.

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