Saturday, February 22, 2014

Ukraine – Civil War?

OK, how many of you are aware that the Ukraine is on the verge of civil war, that threatens to spread to neighboring countries? How many have been keeping tabs on this troubled country? How many of you are aware that the danger posed by Ukrainian problems is more dangerous than even Syria?
Really? That many of you?
OK, smartypants, who was the first Ukrainian President and in what year?
Hmmmm...I thought so.
(ICYW, Kravchuk in 1991).

OK, another quiz: can you name the countries on the Ukrainian border?
In the east, it is Russia.
In the west: Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Moldova.
I hope you now understand the problem. Unrest in Ukraine might spillover into her neighbors.

Political Nonsense
Like many of the Arabic countries, there is no earthly reason for the current political boundaries of Ukraine. They are not bound together by culture, ethnicity, or history. The map was redrawn by the victors of various wars.
The western parts are Hapsburg-ish, and therefore EU-centric. The east is Tsarist, and therefore pro-Russia.
Never the twain shall meet.

and Rouble
OK, so why are both the EU and Russia vying for close economic ties to Ukraine? Well, during the bad-old days of the Soviet Union, this country was a manufacturing powerhouse. Much of the the Commie war machine was made here. That is why both powers offered the Ukraine cold, hard cash to join them.

Putin the Putz
The problem is that said millionaire has been monkeying around with the internal politics of the country under consideration. He has made a difficult situation much, much worse. You see, he dreams of reassembling the old Soviet Union, and for that, he needs the Ukraine as a Russian handmaiden. The fact that said handmaiden is in revolt is of no concern to Putin. Sending in the Russian military, not unlike the crushing of the Hungarian Revolt or Prague Spring, is not out of the question for said millionaire.

OK, So Why Are Dozens Dead?
Well, it seems that the EU put an economic aid package on the table, which was under serious consideration by Yanukovich. Putin put his own deal up for grabs, and Y chose P. This angered the western parts, and occupation and clashes in Kiev were the result. The language on both side have become more acerbic.
I know that there are rumors in the press that an agreement has been reached. Maybe.
Nevertheless, this problem is not going away anytime soon.

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