Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Why Obama Hates Economics

I target Larry Kudlow specifically, but his outlook is typical of many, many others. He said, correctly, that O's state-of-the-union had nothing about stimulating jobs or the economy. He further went on to state that O has no understanding of economics.

Beg to differ, big time.

I am reasonably sure that JFK's admonition that a rising tide raises all boats is not lost on him. However, unemployment and economic growth are still in the doldrums, and will remain thus for the rest of his term of office. He will spend exactly zero effort to fix same, because this is not a priority to him and is largely irrelevant and relatively unimportant.

He is focused on reducing the gap between the highest and lowest boats. That is why he keeps saying that millionaires and billionaires and owners of personal jets must do their fair share (paying more taxes) and shoveling $$$ at welfare and foodstamps and Medicare even faster than John Brown (Google it people, it is an old folksong). This constitutes the sum total of his economic pogrom (Google it).


See, O spent the impressionable, critical years of his life during elementary school in Jakarta (Indonesia). Here, unlike on the Big Island of Hawaii, there is a huge, concrete gap between the have's and have-not's, and never the twain shall meet. Therefore, he views all of human society from the lens of a have-not. Closing this gap is at the heart and soul of his personal philosophy, even in the US were such a gap does not exist. He views this as the most ethical and moral principle he can possibly pursue.  

Monday, February 18, 2013

LA cop killer Dorner - a glimpse into a fevered mind

KTLA, TV channel 5 in Los Angeles, has published a slightly redacted version of Dorner's so-called manifesto. Here is the entire thing as published on-line:
I had originally put some excerpts here, but why waste the electrons? Instead, I have a question: after reading same, tell me you gun control advocates, what sort of law do you think would have stopped someone unbalanced as this?

Definition: Liberal vs Conservative

Liberal = Rights

I have the right to what I need or what I want, even if I have not earned it and have to take it from you.

Conservative = Obligation

I have a spectrum of obligations to God, country, and humanity, regardless of my ability to satisfy same.

The Best Speech I Have Ever Heard

Dr. Benjamin Carson's Amazing Speech at the National Prayer Breakfast 2/7/13:

This is the famous speech by an already famous Pediatric Surgeon who made a speech castigating everything Liberal just a couple feet away from the icon of same, that has justifiably gone viral. At about 21:00, Mr. O appears to be texting on a crackberry.
The length is 27:00, and you owe it to yourself to watch the whole thing if you have not already done so.
I do not know if he is Democratic or Republican, but he has my vote.  

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Al-Qaida Secret Playbook Revealed

OK, you are a big-time 49er's fan. How cool would it be to find a page from Harbaugh's playbook for one of Davis' crossing routes, or one of Kaepernick's patented QB draws?

Well, it seems that the AP found just such a thing from Al-Qaida. It is an internal document from AQ leadership to its minions, scolding them for clumsy and inept actions. This is a rare and very informative glimpse into the inner workings of AQ. It emphasis the importance of small steps and patience, not the sort of radical all-at-once actions that one might otherwise think of as typical AQ behavior.

Specifically, it is a letter from Abdel-malek Droukdel (emir of al-Qaida in Maghreb) to forces in Mali.

This is a link to the AP story

This is a link to document itself (opens PDF document).

Karl Rove – go to Hell

I have heard wire stories that, despite not winning a single race in 2012 and squandering $400 million in valuable PAC money, R is not giving up. In fact, he is doubling down. Iowa has an open Senate Seat in 2014, and R is gunning for it. In fact, he is trying to warn off Steve King, one of the shining lights of the Republican Party.
OK, sir, you have till sundown to either git out of Dodge City, or be prepared for a shootout. We ain't gonna take it no more.  

Friday, February 15, 2013

Gun a crock

Mark Levin made this point on his radio show, and it bears repeating.

Think first of all the recent multiple killings:
  • Dorner
  • Sandy Hook
  • Colorado movie theater
  • Fort Hood 
  • Giffords

Calculate the total number of deaths resulting from the above events.

Think of all the gun control laws what's-his-name and his comrades wish to institute:
  • background checks
  • large magazines
  • gun show “loophole”
  • ban of “assault” rifles
  • tax on bullets
Now calculate how the death count in #1 would have been changed if everything in #2 were passed by law and in place at the time.

If your answer in #2 is anything other than “0”, then check your calculations.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Obamaville – the rich are richer, the poor are poorer

OK, this is so simple, even I understand it.

US Stock Market at Record Highs

OK, I know that many of you would rather hide under the covers and read Batman comics with a flashlight rather than talk about the New York Stock Exchange. But, really, it has recovered all of the catastrophic losses it incurred during the Banking/Home-Mortgage Meltdown in 2008+, and is now even higher than ever before in history. I hope that this has made your retirement accounts fatter, but the real beneficiaries are the high-flying financial traders and hedge fund managers whose income has 7 or 8 or 9 digits. Heck, being the CEO of Goldman-Sachs is a prerequisite for being the White House Chief of Staff.

US employment rate and wages stagnate

OK, this is you and me, Joe Six-Pack. For the entire time under O, unemployment and wages have gotten worse. It seems that banks and stock market traders got the lollipop, and all we got is the wet stick.  

OK, let us solve the budget deficit!

Thanks to a nifty article in based on info from the Joint Committee on Taxation, here are the top 10 biggest tax breaks for 2013-2017:
  • $760.4 B -- Exclusion for work-based health insurance
  • $708.6 B -- retirement savings breaks
  • $616.2 B -- reduced rate on capital gains, dividends
  • $379.0 B -- mortgage interest deduction
  • $325.9 B -- earned income tax credit
  • $291.6 B -- child tax credit
  • $277.6 B -- state and local tax deductions
  • $265.7 B -- tax deferral on foreign subsidiary income
  • $258.0 B -- exclusion of capital gains at death
  • $238.6 B -- charitable contributions

So, if we add it all up and divide by 4 fiscal years, we get:
  • $1.03 trillion per year.

The current fiscal deficit is about $1.2 trillion per year. So if we charitably assume that the gov't can cut $200 billion per year from its budget, the + and – even out.
There, was that so hard?
As a conservative Republican, it is my opinion that none of the above tax loopholes have any economic rhyme or reason to exist, other than the fact that each one has a very powerful political lobby supporting it.  

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Explosion at Iranian Uranium Factory

Just in case you missed it, here is a recap:

Our Story So Far...

  1. Iran digs a huge facility under a mountain near a military complex at Fordo that is supposed to be bunker-buster-bomb-proof.
  2. They transfer their uranium enrichment resources to this huge complex.
  3. They are in the process of installing and starting-up a brand, spanking new cascade enrichment line, that still has the owner's manual scotch-taped to it, that will take their uranium beyond the magic 20% purity mark needed to weaponize it.
  4. North Korean nuclear scientists and technicians are on-hand to bring and install a new piece. Also on-hand are Russian nuclear scientists and technicians.
  5. On Jan. 21 at 11:30 a.m., there is a catastrophic explosion that collapses walls and ceilings. Result: 40 dead or missing and presumed dead, and 60 with life-threatening injuries.

aww, t' wern't true...

As expected, Iran, US, and IAEA all chimed in chorus:
  • Iran does not have a uranium enrichment program.
  • Even if it did, it was not transferred to the Fordo complex.
  • If Fordo did have enrichment facilities, there was not an explosion.
Here are 2 very cool satellite photos of the Fordo complex: pic 1 pic 2

Have a nice day (and, yes, I heard SecDef nominee Hagel spill the beans: Mr. O's policy towards a nuclear-armed Iran is containment, not prevention or prohibition).