Friday, March 21, 2014

Human Slaughterhouse in Syria? Hmmm...

[puke alert]
Thanks to Mark Levin, on his radio show, for bringing this nauseating story to my attention. He interviewed an ex-terrorist about his “discovery” of slaughterhouses in Syria full of human bodies. The bodies were supposedly decapitated and disemboweled, the innards consumed as a part of a supposed religious ritual. The carcasses were supposedly hung upside down on hooks, like an abattoir for cows or chickens.

Ummm...certainly an attention-getting story, but he does not present independent verification for his “story” on his website, but has only anecdote and innuendo. I choose not to mention the name or website, as I have grave doubts as to the veracity of same. It is possible that said respected radio talk-show host has been buffaloed by a gentleman with a fevered mind.

“Why We Must Focus On Buddhism As A Threat To America”?

This is the most recent blog of said person on March 21, that is today (Friday). I have been a Buddhist for 2 decades. He sees parallels between radical Islam and Buddhism. I think he is an idiot. If said abattoirs really did exist and he wished to destroy these, you could not have better allies than Buddhists. Ordinary Buddhist citizens will certainly “have your back”. They will, literally, die to a man defending you while you protect human life.
Well, on a personal note, he mentions Nichiren and DT Suzuki. IMHO, both these dudes are complete idiots (in the words of Mark, “yes, I said it”).
For those who wish to know the true heart of Buddhism and not that of pop culture, read "One Robe, One Bowl", a collection of poems by an 18th century Soto Buddhist monk who wrote under the pen-name "Ryokan". 

Something Is Rotten In The State Of Denmark

[with apologies to the great Bard]. It occurred to me that, thus far, I might not be completely neutral. This “whistle blower” did, after all, insult my religion. Upon reading other portions on his website, my doubts only grew stronger.

Suggest you ignore this whole story.
Recommend, instead, you pop open another brewskie and enjoy your life.
As you were, gentlemen.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Breaking News—Global Warming Has Been Stopped

Thanks to the United States of America (take a bow, old girl. You earned it).

In 1997, there was a hideous creature: The Kyoto Protocol. The goal was to limit global CO2 emissions to combat “global warming”. The US did not ratify the treaty. Nevertheless, the US actually met and exceeded the requirements, several years ahead of the theoretical schedule thereof. How? Natural gas: this cleaner burning fossil fuel replaced coal in power plants, because it was cheaper. Nevertheless, do not expect the Sierra Club or Al Gore to high-five Anadarko (APC), EOG, or Range Resource (RRC).
Cuz the tree-huggers wanted to do this with nasty, annoying rules and regulations that inconvenienced and angered all citizens multiple times daily. Also, by suppressing corporate profits, who are raping the earth's resources in their view of the world. For these people, achieving their goal via Adam Smith and Milton Friedman is a false victory.

China and India (OK, 2 things). See, in the original accords, these 2 countries were totally exempt and were entitled to spew out as much global warming gases as they pleased. Each country today pollutes the atmosphere with more CO2 than the USA, but produces much less “stuff” than our country. Yet, the tree-huggers were OK with this.
Cuz a developing country that pollutes is OK, but a rich country (US or the EU collectively) polluting is totally wrong. “Developing” countries argued that they should have a chance at grabbing the economic brass ring before being hobbled by onerous environmental regs. The egalitarian tree-huggers agreed.

All scientific groups, including NASA, agree that our planet has been cooling for the past 2 decades. It is an incontrovertible fact that “global warming” is not an incontrovertible fact.

Whew! Done and done! Time to bust into that six-pack in the frig.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The War Drums are Beating in Ukraine

No, I do not mean a shooting war like Vietnam, Korea, or Desert Storm. I am thinking of the Cold War redux: battle of the wits, war of the proxies. Even so, today feels eerily familiar.

  • Little, if any, diplomacy
  • Hardened, defiant attitudes
  • No thoughts of compromise or negotiation
  • Everyone is listening only to themselves
  • Deep divisions amongst the powers without
  • Deep divisions within the country in question

This failure of global relations is squarely on the shoulders of Team Obama. It is the responsibility of the United States to prevent such problems, and these cannot be controlled by simply talking, making speeches, and negotiating. At some point, you have to unholster your weapon, release the safety, and splatter his brains on the wall behind him. For example: the Iranian blitzkrieg towards nuclear weapons will not be stopped with cordial negotiations in Geneva. It requires a military strike to destroy Iranian nuclear resources.

The Obama foreign policy has flamed-out, I should say rather spectacularly.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Darth Putin Strikes Back

(sinister laugh) Mwha...ha...ha
Puny humans. Do they really think they can prevail?

Their leader: Barack Toaster-Strudel-Head Obama.
Thrice have I taken his lunch money.
Thrice have I been successful.

First, I aid the rush to nuclear weapons by the Iranian Muslims. Once there, they shall rain nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles upon Israel, allies to the evil Jedi Counsel (or is it The Federation? It is so hard to keep these Sci-Fi things straight). Yet, Toaster-Strudel-Head keeps asking for counsel to prevent same.

Second, they wish to defeat Assad, guardian of my Mediterranean Fleet. Toaster-Strudel-Head draws a line in the sand, yet is easily snookered into cowardice. Assad continues to murder Jedi Knights of Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

Third, Toaster-Strudel-Head supports the radical Muslim Brotherhood who seized political control of Egypt, even though they do not enjoy the support of civilian institutions. I support the generals, who are now seen as saviors of the ordinary citizen.

I now have my hat trick, and I begin anew.
I shall now carve out for myself the nice, juicy turkey leg of Crimea, and Toaster-Strudel-Head can do nothing but drool over my portion.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Ukraine – Putin Stomps on Crimea

Russian jackboots have marched into Ukraine, specifically Crimea. I know most of you do not know where exactly that is. OK, if you look at a map of the Black Sea, it kinda looks like a football. Crimea is that dangly bit on top that kinda looks like an island.

It is important to Russia because it has Russian military assets. So, they invaded to protect their interests.

When I was a kid, I enjoyed watching snails in the garden. Their slow crawl was elegant and graceful. When you gently touched their antenna with you fingertip, the antenna and head would gently retract back into the shell. After a few moments, they extend back out and continue on their slow way. Of course, mom would then come stomping out of the house screaming: stop playing with it! Throw it onto the ground and stomp on it, it is eating my rosebushes! I understood very well. It merely seemed a shame.

Those of you who thought that the Iron Curtain, the Cold War, and the Soviet Union ended when the Berlin Wall fell and with the rise of Boris Yeltsin, think again.

Have a nice day.