Friday, February 18, 2011

Islam is Misogynist

For those who do not have their 10+ volume copy of the Oxford English Dictionary handy, the word means ‘a woman-hater’.

No, I did not come to this conclusion from the gang rape of a female American TV reporter at the hands of a large, angry, male mob of Muslims in Egypt. My opinion comes directly from the Qur’an.

I quote from 2 different English translations of Surah 2:223.
version 1:
Your wives are a tilth for you. Go, then, into your tilth as you will.

Version 2:
Your wives are as a tilth for you; so approach your tilth when or how you will.

‘Tilth’ is a rather odd word that I had to look up. It refers to agricultural land, i.e. dirt for plowing and planting crops; it can also refer to the labor required to cultivate said dirt, as in tilling your fields. I am sure that the Arabic word is more nuanced than that, but I get the general idea.

Misogynist indeed.
Funny: we have not heard from NOW or the President or the UN commission for whatever-whatever yet about this (perhaps the Prez is more worried about an ‘assault’ on labor unions than one on the dignity of an American female; he is AWOL on this one, as he consistently refuses to criticize or punish either Muslims or Islamic countries).

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