Saturday, April 2, 2011

Boehner and establishment Republicans surrender to Dems, abandon Tea Party

The new crop of Republicans, most of them supported by the Tea Party, seems to have been betrayed.

See, word leaked out that House Leader Boehner was willing to compromise on the Continuing Resolution (CR): he would accept the Dem proposal for $33B rather than the $60B in seed cuts demanded by the freshman Congressmen.

It is clear to me that the old-guard, establishment House Republicans do not share the goals and principles of the Tea Party. They are in mold of ole’ W: not interested in reducing the power or scope of the Feds and increasing personal liberty and freedom. Rather, they wish to take away $$$ from programs they do not like, and redirect them to programs that they think are better for our nation. The thought that the Feds ought not to be spending these $$$ on anything in the first place and letting the citizens keep their dough has NEVER occurred to them.

Sorry to be the bearer of evil tidings, but I believe that people like the Speaker are not really for castrating Federal Power, but are secretly rubbing their hands in glee, fantasizing about all those wonderful, deserving programs that they will shower with money when they shift federal $$$ rather than eliminating them.

Bottom line: the new crop of Tea Party Republican freshman will go nowhere and will be fought every inch of the way by the old-guard of their own party. Their only hope is to shove dingbats like Boehner and allies to the very brink of the abyss and put the fear of God into them. Now is the time for hard-nosed leadership, not a *can’t we all just get along* attitude.

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