Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Private Sector is Doing Fine - Obama Credo, Not a Misstatement

When Obama made this statement in an unscripted press conference, it was widely viewed as a gaffe or a mistake. He was obligated to do a follow up where he walked back that comment, but not really. He took the opportunity to, as always, blame everyone else.

Unforced presidential error? Au contraire, mon ami. This off-handed remark accurately reflects how he thinks about Capitalism. In Barry's World, free-enterprise and Capitalism is largely irrelevant at best, to be scorned and controlled at worst. True happiness and human fulfillment is in direct proportion to how many work for government, controlling, protecting and safeguarding the human race.

When Obama spent his political capital on passing Obamacare, some opined that he made a tactical mistake by not focusing on the economy, thereby reassuring his reelection. Not a mistake or miscalculation at all. It was never his intent to improve the economy. His intent was an historic increase in the power, scope, and control of the government, akin to FDR (social security) and Lyndon Johnson (medicare, medicaid, food stamps), over our lives. In his calculus, this effort will bring more happiness and righteousness than a robust economy where everyone has a job. Such an important goal simply cannot be trusted to Adam Smith's invisible hand.

Make no mistake: Barry knows exactly what he is doing. He thinks that he is doing us all a great favor.

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