Friday, January 31, 2014

Oxfam (and Europe) is anti-Semitic as ever

I was listening to Malcolm Hoenlein on the John Batchelor's radio show the other day, and my heart sank about 10 feet. Fierce antisemitism is alive and well.

Oxfam Is Officially Anti-Semitic

I can forgive you for thinking that this NGO is akin to Doctors Without Borders or the Bill Gates Foundation: simply trying to feed and help the global poor. You would be wrong. “Economic Justice” is an official principle. The genesis of the current dust-up is that a famous American actress, a celebrity ambassador for Oxfam, signed an endorsement deal with Sodastream. Oxfam viewed this as unacceptable behavior and, for the second time, forced such a person to resign the post because they signed a commercial deal with a Jewish company.
You see, said company is owned by Jews in Israel (let us ignore for the moment the fact that they employ 500 Palestinians, and the source of the best paying jobs anywhere in areas controlled by the PLA). Oxfam's official legal position is that they are pro-Palestinian, pro-2-state-solution, pro-right-of-return, making them as anti-semitic as, say, Iran.

Europe Still Hates Jews

Quiz: how many of you know that present day Great Britain hates Jews even more than Germany? Hmmm?
No one? Not a single one of you? (sigh...)
You see, the “ox” in Oxfam comes from its founding in Britain, that is Oxford. Fierce antisemitism was an integral part of Oxfam from the very start, and this continues to the present day. Sadly, this British hatred of Jews is common throughout Europe. It is illegal to give the Nazi salute in Europe. Funny: this is legal in the USA, one of the few unabashedly pro-Israel countries in the world. Mr. H says that there is a new version of the Nazi salute that is au courant in Europe. Apparently, European disdain for Jews is as strong as it was in the 1930's, which gave rise to Nazi Germany. Sadly, I do not think that a modern day Kristallnacht is as unthinkable as you might expect.
I do not, as the old saying goes, have a horse in this race (I am neither Jewish nor Christian nor Muslim), but may God have mercy upon our souls.

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