Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Japan and Red China make war – with water pistols?

Surrender, Hu Jintao.

When I first heard this story, I fell out of my chair with laughter. See, Communist China is trying to claim that they own the Senkaku Islands. These are tiny, insignificant rocks sticking out of the ocean. Why on earth should anyone really care, other than as a bit of nationalistic PR to benefit the incumbent governments on both sides?

It Is All About Oil

Both countries have substantial economies that run on oil, and both import huge amounts. See, just off the coast of these rocks are substantial oil reserves just waiting for the first country to set up drilling rigs. Hence, both countries are willing to spend significant treasury to control these resources.

They Legally Belong to Japan

A bit of history. The Senkakus are part of the Okinawa archipelagos. During WWII, the United States conquered all of Okinawa, and gave them back to Japan as part of the armistice. I do not wish to hear ridiculous stories that a Han Chinese Emperor planted a persimmon tree on one of the Senkakus 636 years ago, and that therefore Communist China has a legitimate claim. The United States, before arrival of the Puritans, was controlled by Hopi, Cherokee, Abenaki, et al. This does not therefore give American Indians legal rights to their previous lands. Sorry 'bout that, folks.

Fight, Fight!

Japan and Red China, in recent weeks, have been posturing over control of said islands. OK, making a big show for the folks at home without any real intention of a serious confrontation. I get that. So, I found it profoundly funny that Coast Guard ships from both sides fired water cannons at each other. I am reasonably sure that both sides have naval guns and ship-to-ship missiles that can sink the other side. It would be interesting to explore if Japan has the military capability to send Red China's nascent blue water navy down to Davy Jones' Locker. Perhaps the Politburo Standing Committee should give up now, before they get into truly deep naval/military doo-doo. Somehow, I have doubts that they truly understand the geopolitical consequences of what they are doing.

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