Sunday, April 21, 2013

Amnesty – why Marco Rubio is Totally Wrong

First, let us dispense with the Boston bombings. Under every conceivable variation, the brothers would be allowed to immigrate legally into the US as political refugees from Chechnya (and, no, NOT Czech). So there.
Factoid #1
For most of our history, there was no such thing as an illegal immigrant. Chinese, Italians, and Irish workers came to our shores in virtually unlimited numbers. True, you were processed through Angel Island or Ellis Island, but this was mainly to weed out disease.
Factoid #2
Both Reagan and Bush (43) signed amnesty for illegal immigrants. Why? Because Congress promised a border fence and very strict enforcement of immigration laws. Guess what? In both instances, the Democratic dominated legislature sand-bagged both presidents, and the follow up never happened.
Question #1
What makes Senator Rubio think that this time will be different???
Factoid #3
FDR (1933) and LBJ (1965) converted our country into a welfare society (shame on both of you, and, yes, I know that some worship FDR as a god, but I beg to differ. Our history would be much brighter without him).
Factoid #4
Milton Freedman stated that unlimited and illegal immigration is inconsistent with a welfare society.
Factoid #5
On more than one occasion, the Supreme Court has ruled that denying illegals of free schooling, Welfare, Food Stamps, and Medicaid is unconstitutional under the Fourteenth Amendment.
Factoid #6
The typical illegal immigrant family is legally entitled to something like $50k of free stuff from Uncle Sugar (the $ differs depending on whom you ask), regardless of how much they “put into the system”, including families where the breadwinner works for cash under the table, never paying SDI, state income, federal income, unemployment insurance, or payroll tax. When they have a medical problem, they head down to the nearest hospital emergency room, knowing that it is a legal obligation that they receive proper medical treatment if they say the magic words.
Factoid #7
Legal immigration is a good thing: we need more computer programmers, doctors, and civil engineers. We do not need more strawberry pickers or unlicensed contractors.
Question #2
OK, which item are you folks willing to give up: welfare, or your belief that illegal immigrants are good for our country (and, yes, the “coyotes” and their customers are fully cognizant of your dilemma)?

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