Monday, December 16, 2013

Huckabee for President? Hahahahah...

Having the day off, I tuned into the Huckabee show while preparing breakfast. Imagine my surprise when I heard our old friend JD subbing. No big deal, except for the reason why: H is contemplating another run for the White House.

After I stopped laughing and was able to sit upright again in my chair, I shuddered. Is he serious? Yes, he is gentle, a protestant minister, trustworthy, a man of integrity, and all around good guy. He will also get his butt kicked even worse than I was.

The Republican party, not to mention our country, needs someone with power and courage. Someone who will upend the money-changers' table in the temple. Someone who will shout at the top of his/her lungs and shake the very rafters of Valhalla.

H is not such a man. Yes, I genuinely wish him luck. I also remind you that we (R) have twice elected nice guys, McCain and Romney, and have had our heads handed back to us on a silver platter. May god have mercy upon our unworthy souls.

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