Monday, December 23, 2013

The War On Poverty Is Over, Poverty Has Won

I was watching Speaker Gingrich on ABC's This Week. The segment was actually about Pope Francis (Jesuit, and also believer of “Liberation Theology”-Google it-the same political philosophy that Reverend Wright, Obama's preacher, espoused-Google him). He made a point about the failure of the war on poverty, and was immediately shouted down by the other 3 panelists, including the “objective” reporter Cokie Roberts.

Then it occurred to me that you young 'uns (born after, say, 1970) have no idea who LBJ was or the role he played in the “War Against Poverty”. It is important that, before you start drawing conclusions, that you hear the entire story. So, please forgive the history lesson.

FDR and Social Security
FDR invented this in the 30's, in depths of the depression when there genuine poverty and hunger and need. In fact, the correct name is “Supplemental Security Income” or SSI. Why “supplemental”? Because FDR envisioned that this would be one leg of a three-legged stool: SSI, your company pension, and your savings. It was never envisioned to be the sole source of income when you retired. That is why, to this day, it is difficult to live in retirement just from your SSI checks. The important focal point is that before the 30's, old retired folks never received retirement checks from the federal government.

LBJ and Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps
During the Johnson Presidency, the Democrats had an effort they called the “War on Poverty”. In 1967, LBJ signed into law, in one swell foop: Medicaid (free medical care for the poor), Food Stamps (free food for the poor), and Medicare (almost free medical care for all old people). The focal point here is that before the Johnson Presidency, Medicare and Medicaid and Food Stamps simply did not exist.
You young people need to understand that these “things” are not a centuries-old tradition. They were invented contemporaneously with, say, the Beatles. Since that time, the Federal Government has spent $10s trillions. Question: has hunger or lack of medical among the poor and old been defeated? If you do not know the answer, then this is your homework assignment.

In Conclusion
In a way, we cannot blame the liberals and Liberation Theologists like the Pope. Surly it is logical for the rich to give up some black-market Havana cigars or that Christmas diamond tennis bracelet, and give the $$$ to the poor instead. In the end, our actions must be based on accomplishing the goal rather than on what makes us feel good emotionally. By that standard, the “War on Poverty” has been a miserable failure.

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