Tuesday, April 8, 2014

How To Solve Illegal Immigration

The secret to untying the Gordian Knot (Google it, people) is to accept that there is no comprehensive solution short of uprooting and discombobulating half the Earth, kinda like what happened when the bad guys cut down that whatever-tree in Tolkien's Silmarillion.
There are some, many of whom should know better, who reflexively equate the increased immigration of high-skilled workers with the legalization of sneak-across-the-border Mexicans who swell the ranks of unlicensed contractors.
This is soluble, but only if you accept that there are many aspects. They are all different, have nothing to do with one another, and never the twain shall meet. They can only be solved independently, not comprehensively.

Doctors and Engineers
Yes, this is type of immigrant we surely need more of. Doctors from India and computer programmers from Ireland cannot get into our country because the current lottery/quota system is broken.

Workers' Permits
This is one category I oppose. Its only effect is reduce the labor costs for agribusiness. It would allow those who are otherwise illegal the ability to work as farmhands.

Sneak-In Robotics Designers
This is one category that simply does not exist. The sneak-ins are not engineers wishing to help design the next generation of Roombas. Amnesty will not bring in more fashion designers or internet webmasters.

Flotsam and Jetsam Hanging Out at Home Depot
This one is a sticky wicket. It would be impractical, not to mention rude, to simply deport all the illegals. Currently, they live in a legal gray area: not legal workers, but are mostly left alone. This one area where eVerify might, through attrition over time, gradually shrink the pool of illegals.

Why Defeating “Amnesty” is a Winner for Republicans

For those to whom the name Cesar Chavez means nothing, let us review. His goal was not to legalize illegal sneak-ins or to promote amnesty. Rather, he wanted to raise the standard of living for legal Mexican immigrants by unionizing farm workers. “UFW” (United Farm Workers) and “proudly picked with union labor” printed on boxes of produce were badges of honor for CC. He opposed amnesty, because the presence of illegal immigrants makes it that much harder to make unionization stick.
Sadly, this problem persists even today. Legals are finding it difficult to get ahead, because the preponderance of illegals suppresses their wages. If you bother to ask them, they oppose amnesty to the same degree as native-born citizens.
Allowing those who broke the rules the same courtesy as those who obey the law is unseemly.

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