Thursday, May 1, 2014

Ukraine: Civil War, or Russian Mistake?

I am growing just a wee bit annoyed at Russia and her autocratic czar Putin. So, here goes nothin'.

A Sovereign Country Violated

Like it or not, Ukraine is a sovereign country. No amount of historical tap dancing will change this fact. Do not give me this nonsense about Krushchev/Crimea, historical ties between Kharkiv and Moscow, the East is with Putin, pop elections, or unwashed gym socks. To quote an old saw, you are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts. Russia has militarily crossed the border of an independent country, and she must be made to pay. Nothun' comes for free. Ukraine should defend herself, but essentially has a military that barely exists, and can do nothing to defend herself against Russia, and Putin knows this very well. In fact, the cautious military moves by Kiev is definitely to her credit, and demonstrates who is the adult in the room.

The US Is Not To Blame

The public visitation to Kiev by SecState reps is being touted as a serious mistake.
Au contraire.
A public display of support for Kiev is a key act that proves that, yes, we are with you. Russia has blamed all the trouble on US interference. What nonsense, and everyone knows it. This is merely a fig leaf for outright Russian military aggression. Russia stuck her fat, greedy fingers into Ukraine and was caught fare and square, red-handed.

It Is Not Eastern Ukrainians, It Is The GRU

You may have heard stories about municipal buildings being seized, confrontation with civilian police, protests, and random shootings. These are generally blamed on Pro-Russian, Eastern Ukrainian partisans.
What a lie.
In those few cases where the perpetrators have been identified, they turn out to be not Ukrainians, but rather Russian Military Intelligence officers operating clandestinely: GRU. If this sounds unfamiliar to you, perhaps you will recognize their old name: the KGB.
The East is not with Russia; in fact, they could care less.


She is howling for Russian blood, justifiably so IMHO. She wants US/NATO armor planted right on the border with Russia. Why? Cuz for a large chunk of her history, Ukraine was actually part of the Duchy of Poland, and they are historical best-buds, not unlike the US and Canada.

The Trip-Wire Concept

The US has placed token forces on Russian borders. So, if Russia invades the Baltic States, and it is a question of not if but when, Putin will have US blood on his hands. Does he have the huevos? We shall see.

The Natural Gas Ballet

Here is the punchline to a not-funny joke: EU/Ukraine and Russia need each other. EU needs the natural gas that Russia supplies, and Russia desperately needs the hard currency from the sale of natural gas to Europe. Neither side can afford to cut off the other.  

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