Thursday, May 29, 2014

Ukraine Elections! Celebrate Good Times!

[ICYW, the quote is from “Celebration” by Kool and the Gang]
Well, well, well. Ukraine had a successful election.
The ink wasn't even dry on the page from the inkjet printer announcing the election, when the naysayers came out of the woodworks. Permit me to do a little color commentary.

Poroshenko Won—Get Over It

Many are critical of Mr P. Perhaps this skepticism is justifiable, perhaps not. Nevertheless, he won the election fair and square in a surprise landslide. He garnered not just a plurality, but an absolute majority. He is now the legitimate president of Ukraine, whether you like it or not.

Russia Is In The Wrong

The polemic is that Putin's adventurism is being caused by NATO approach towards Russian borders. Hogwash. The USSR collapsed, and there are those who dream wistfully of past glory. Many Russians, and not just Putin, support a return to days of yore.

Putin Is Stalin Redux

I find the behavior of both to be similar: they will lie, cheat, and steal to get their way. People die? Not a problem. They rule from the top down: do as I say, or else. Putin is not the knight in shining armor who will ride in on his trusty white steed to save Ukraine from itself.

It Is OK To Be Pro-Russian

But, please, at least do us the dignity of admitting as such. Do not pretend to be a neutral observer with no viewpoint or opinion.

Sowing Instability and Confusion

At this point, it would be wise to remind ourselves of Russian strategy in Ukraine. They seek to cause maximum chaos, so that Ukrainians do not which direction is up and which is down, even if this means sending in Russian military intelligence to kill pro-Russian Ukrainians.

Ukraine The Next Generation

Let us hope that the successful election is the beginning a new chapter in Ukrainian history.

Dona nobis pacem.

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