Thursday, July 12, 2012

Condoleezza Rice for Mitt's Veep? Big Mistake: she is a solid Lib

Even if the rumors are not totally true, the fact that Rice is even on the short list should dispel thoughts once and for all about if and when Mitt will reach out to conservatives. This would be a good time for conservatives to run out to the grocery store for a six-pack of longnecks and a bag of Doritos.

  • First, she is in the pro-abortion camp: she has never stated that she thinks that abortion is wrong and ought to be as illegal as drowning your children by driving your car into a lake.
  • Second, she has never criticized welfare or high taxes or our governmental nanny state. When she has pronounced on this at all, she has expressed mild support for transfer-of-wealth gov't programs.
  • Third, Romney is tilting at polls. He has calculated that having a woman and a black as his VP choice will win him votes and increase his support in the black community and soccer moms, just enough to win, and to-the-devil with conservatives (I defy anyone to name one instance where Mitt has reached out to the Tea Party). Her position on the domestic political spectrum is irrelevant.

I challenge her foreign policy credentials: I have my doubts these are as strong as some give her credit for. She was W's NSA honcho during his first term, and SecState during his second. I am firmly convinced that his seemingly obtuse understanding of the Middle East conundrum and futile military/international political initiatives can be laid firmly at Rice's feet, who to this day probably does not understand what the 'global caliphate' is or how it determines Islamic national behavior on an absolute basis. I doubt that she has read the Koran or understands that the position of women therein is akin to that of chattel and not just a political stance that is subject to cajoling for change. Projecting a confident, cool, sophisticated persona during media interviews is not the same as understanding the dynamics of Hindus or Muslims or Buddhists or Communists or Tibetans or North Koreans or anyone else. Henry Kissinger, John Bolton, and Jeanne Kirkpatrick are my idols: Ms Rice was clearly under-qualified as NSA guru or SecState, and more so as hypothetical VP. These are not offices where on-the-job-training is advantageous to the United States of America.

If you will excuse me, I need to go to the medicine cabinet for an antacid.

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