Sunday, July 8, 2012

Mitt's Veepstakes – conservatives, do not get your hopes up

At this point in the 'run for the oval office', it is rather traditional to speculate profusely and uselessly about whom each presumed presidential nominee will choose for his/her vice.

Who Mitt Will NOT Choose

It is conventional wisdom that Mitt has to connect with the Conservative base. Therefore, he will choose appropriately for his running mate.
If he wished to endear himself to Conservatives, he would pick Rubio, Santorum, Ryan, or even Walker. If he wished a sharp political operator who has experience effectively pulling the levers of Congressional power, he would choose Newt.
If he wishes to pull a rabbit-out-of-his-hat (this is a family website, and the previous sentence is not the original one I had in mind), he would a-la-McCain choose Jindal or Haley.
He will choose none of these. He clearly has more disdain for conservatives than that for liberals.

Who Mitt Will Choose

He will pick someone who, like himself, is a plain-vanilla moderate and amenable to ABC News/George Stephanopoulos (who, I remind you, was Clinton's White House Chief of Staff). Therefore, I predict that he will choose: Pawlenty, Portman, Jeb, or Christie.

No, I Am Not Happy

IMHO, Mitt is a weak-kneed panty-waist (can I still use that phrase w/o being pejorative to someone? It is difficult to keep track of those things these days) who will lose rather handily to Barack Hussein Obama this fall. He needs to learn that to win, he has to give us a reason to vote for him; posing as a practical, cool-headed alternative is a recipe for defeat (just ask Dole or McCain). He has to convince us that he wields Excaliber and is on a quest to slay the Liberal, Fire-Breathing Dragon. This, clearly, is not in Mitt's blood.

Am I Wrong?

We shall see: witness his upcoming choice for veep.

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