Friday, June 21, 2013

Rubio + Jeb Bush + Christie = Death of the Republican Party

OK, listen up people. The Republican party has never been nor will we ever be successful with triangulation, compassion, moderation, or being just like the Democrats (which is what the above stands for; you young 'uns probably have no idea what this is all about, so Google “Rockefeller Republican” - some of us old farts have fought this battle before). We will never succeed just by pointing out how awful the other guy is. We have tried this all before, and have had our heads handed back to us on a golden platter. We must give people a reason to be with us.

What It Means To Be A True Conservative

  1. Liberty, freedom, and privacy trumps the efficiency of law enforcement (no, I am not talking about that rich guy with a dead squirrel on his head, but rather a reference to a card game; Google it).
  2. We want everyone to be rich, fat and happy. Smile: life is to be enjoyed, rather than fretted over.
  3. Personal integrity. Be frugal and honest. Do not spend money that you do not have. The ends do not justify the means. Do not tell lies. Fulfill your obligations. Put money into the “poor box”.
  4. The less power the government has, the more power you and I have. “Power to the people” is quite apropos.
  5. The US Constitution is not a “living document” that tilts at the latest sociological whimsy. It concretely states timeless, unchanging truth. We misinterpret same at our peril.

What It Means To Be A Pseudo Conservative

  1. Pandering. Several Republicans have been elected President, but none have done so by catering to the whims of special interest groups, and this includes ethnic minorities
  2. Government charity. Waiting for your check on the first of each month is not on the road to wealth. See #2 above.
  3. Environmentalism. Even advocates are not believers: witness the name change of their holy crusade from “global warming” to “climate change” (hint: climate always changes, whether mankind exists or not). The original “hockey stick graphs”, upon which Kyoto and other global environmental treaties have been based, have now been proven to be fabricated out of whole cloth. Unsurprisingly, followers thereof are not fazed.
  4. You enjoy telling other people what to do, because they are making the wrong choices, and, besides, you know better.
  5. Second Amendment? Bah, humbug.

In Conclusion

Conservatives wish to elevate all people to the next level. Liberals wish to keep them under control, forcing them to color between the lines.

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