Friday, June 28, 2013

Why Everyone Hates Environmentalists

Mark R. Tercek of The Nature Conservancy (TNC), in a recent article, hit the nail on the head: because they nag us.

You know: pick up your dirty underwear from the floor; put down the toilet seat; take out the trash.

Flatheads at places like TNC are doing exactly the same thing: don't use plastic shopping bags; use low flow toilets; use ice-cream-cone-light-bulbs; recycle your trash; drive electric cars; put solar cells on your rooftop.

Like moms/wives nagging us, tree-huggers nagging us will, in the end, have little effect in the long run. It might be emotionally satisfying to make someone else do what you tell them to, but you are wasting your time.

Environmentalists in our country will never make headway until they stop being so egotistical with a holier-than-thou attitude. No, you are not smarter or more caring than the rest of us. Get over it, people. You are like fashion designers saying that men over 30 should always wear boardshorts at the beach, and never anything coming close to form-fitting, and equally wrong. If you wish to influence the rest of us, you must prove rather than just declaring that you know better than we do.

Case not proved. Case dismissed.

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