Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Why Republicans Will Lose In 2014

Alas and alack, it is time for that time-honored, biennial Republican tradition: shooting itself in the foot (or the crotch, depending on whether or not the pistol is properly holstered). The party this time celebrates the 2014 mid-term elections. Moderate Republicans have divided voters into blocks:
  • women
  • under 30
  • LGBT
  • Mexican
  • poor
The GOP lost these blocks last time 'round. According to their analysis, if we pander to them, they will switch to our side. Since these are supposedly one-issue voters, all we have to do is pass their pet legislation and they will be with us. This time, I think they are calling it "reaching out" or some such thing. 
What nonsense. Republicans have tried that several times before, and got their butts royally kicked each and every time.


There is one issue that all will agree to: jobs. Unemployment is still painfully high and stubbornly persistent. Above all else, the so-called voting blocks above want jobs: full-time, and at a decent wage. All the GOP has to do is come up with a solid, workable plan to fix the economy and create jobs, and not only should they pick up the toss-up states, but a few blue ones as well. This should be especially easy, since “BO” does not have one. This is how Reagan did it (twice), and how “BO” did it the first time around.


Sadly, I see no evidence that Republicans have become a sentient race any more than last time. That is why we will lose.

Let butt kickin' begin.  

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