Saturday, January 31, 2015

Ukraine War: Putin Is Not Being Very Smart

OK, now look: Western democracies (EU, NATO, US) are stupidly easy to manipulate. The Iranian Mullahs have US foreign policy dancing upon the tips of their fingers. Communist China regularly has profits of $billions, not to mention a foreign currency reserve that other nations can only fantasize about, and she can even finance a new blue-water navy.

Russia can easily be a regional hegemon and world power that Stalin could only dream of. I shall now reveal the secret, so listen up.

First, you have to get rid of Vlad The Impaler. He reminds me of an impetuous adolescent that chucks his microwave burrito across the room, upends the table, stomps around the kitchen, and screams at the top of his lungs, all because he is not getting his way.

Second, be a friend to the West. Give back the Crimea and Eastern Ukraine. Do a mea culpa: publish a full and honest report of exactly what you have done to Ukraine with your military (a tear or two, real or not, would be a help). Say that you are sorry. Join the EU. Export Osetra caviar and vodka to the West (the good stuff, not that sewer swill that can found in any American supermarket). Sell obsolete SU27s/MiG25s and T62/72 tanks that you would have tossed onto the scrap heap anyway to former Warsaw Pact countries at firesale prices. I promise you: dump trucks will back up in your driveway and deposit enormous piles of gold that you could only have dreamt of before.

There, that wasn't so hard, was it? (crickets). Hello? (crickets).

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